Chapter Seven

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"Thanks Eric."

"No problem. Call me when she gets there." The phone call ended with a click. Sighing, I kicked my feet up onto my desk and stared at a new number on my phone. Seeing as the scent had been close to Eric's border, I of course had called him right away. Not to mention, having a third Alpha patrolling the border was going to be hugely resourceful. I could bring a fourth Alpha in, and it would be the smart thing to do, but I also knew that the moment he learned about the scent, he'd be more worried for my personal safety and less of my packs.

"Lucas," I tossed my phone to the wolf stretched out on my couch, "Talk to him for me. Maybe he'll actually patrol if it's you that tells him about it."

"I'd rather not."


"The guy doesn't like me. I'm trying to keep my distance from the Alpha that would snap my neck like a twig." He tossed the phone back onto my desk.

"You're useless, you know that?"

"Yup. Any who," Lucas stood from his spot, "I'm going to go meet the princess at the border. I could use a good flirting session." As he left, I dropped my head into my hands. Not only was I going to have to deal with an over protective mate, now I was going to have to deal with an annoyed Alpha. I really wished Lucas would get it through his thick skull that Eloise does not enjoy his flirting. I can't begin to count the number of times she's told me she was going to kill him if he didn't leave her alone.

Pushing the negative thoughts from my head, I dialed Tiberius's number, "Alright Cara," my thumb floated above the call button, "You can do this. He's your mate. There's no need to be scared." With a deep breath and a mental pep talk replaying in my head I hit the call button.

The phone began to ring.

One ring...

Two rings...

Three rings...

Maybe this was a mistake-

"This is quite the surprise love," his voice sounded hoarse from sleep. From the sound made from his movement in the background, I could tell that's exactly what he had been doing, "Want to come join me? My bed is nice and warm." And you're trying to seduce me already...come on Tiberius have a little restraint...

"Shouldn't you be up?" I asked him as I looked at the time, secretly hoping my question would change the subject he started.

"I'll lay in bed all day and all night if you're lying next to me."

"And your pack?" I joked.

"If it's an emergency I'll come, if not they will know not to disturb us. Come of Cara..." he cooed, the 'r' in my name dragged out just enough, "Let me show you just how amazing your mate is. Take a break and come relax." As inviting as Tiberius was sounding, I knew that now was not the time to be giving in to the need of being with him. Come on Cara! Much bigger issues at hand!

"That sounds really nice, but flirting is not why I called."

"It never is anyways," he growled in disdain, "So what is it now?"

"Hey don't get snappy with me!" I growled back. "Last I checked, we both agreed to us being separated until I solved my issues! Don't get mad at me just because I deny your constant, stupid advances!"

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