Chapter Eight

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pinkforest this chapter goes to you. You were the first reader for this book and I loved all the comments you've given so far. Thank you for everything :)

Sliding the tips of my fingers across my swollen lips, I stood silently, praying for the sparks that were coursing through my veins to die down. Even without looking up, I knew that Tiberius was in the same trance. His hands were now placed on either side of my head, his arms extended all the way trapping me in my own little bubble that blocked everyone out but himself.

I should have never yelled at Tiberius over the phone the way I did. Somewhere, deep in the reasonable void of my brain, I knew that Tiberius was going to show up here after what I said. He's been waiting for this exact moment; the moment where he would make exactly what I was whole. His mate. Now the pull, that I had successfully pushed down since I met him, was going to be unstoppable. Even now, I felt this unruly hunger clawing at my insides for some sign of release.

The feeling caused my body to break out in a cold sweat. My head began filling with unwanted images and all I could do was stand, trapped in Tiberius's arms as I covered my mouth to keep the sounds that were forming from being released for my mate to hear.

He must have known though, because ever so slowly the corners of his lips curled up into such a sly smile that I knew exactly what he was thinking. The next step. He was ready, and from what my eyes caught when I took the mistake of looking down, he might even try to make an move in my office.

With shaking hands, I placed both hands on his chest and pushed back just enough so that his hands were no longer touching the wall. "Space. Please." I whispered. To my surprise, Tiberius stepped back immediately.

Taking a deep breath, I finally looked up. Tiberius was smiling, his smile so warm and loving that it made my heart melt. Eloise on the other hand, was grinning like a mad woman. Bringing her fingers to her lips to make a shhh motion, Eloise turned on her heel and walked out the door leaving me alone with the monster in front of me. The moment I knew we were alone my legs gave out and I crashed to the ground.

Tiberius joined me shortly after. His long legs laid sprawled out in front of him while one arm hooked around my shoulder and pulled me into his embrace. As if a switch had been flipped, the sparks that had started to die down came to life once again.

"It's going to happen every time I touch you." He whispered, "If I were you I'd start embracing the feeling."

"Why?" I asked breaking that silence that had immediately followed Tiberius's words, "Why did you kiss me?"

"Because Cara, it was the only way for me to show you that you're not alone in this fight."

"What?" I asked confused by his words.

"You seem to forget sometimes that I was friends with your brother before I found you. He use to talk about you a lot," at the mention of Trent pain constricted around my heart. I should have told him to stop talking, but I knew this was a rare opportunity; my brother was such a touchy subject. I hardly ever heard anything about him now a days, "He told me before that you like the carry burdens on your own. Like after your Alpha transition. He knew you were upset with all of your friends leaving, but you never voiced the issue. I think that's why he loved Eloise so much. You two were a perfect fit for each other; both going through the awkward Alpha stage at the same time, both needing someone to understand what was happening.

"Thinking back though, the funniest thing he ever told me was probably that he felt bad for who ever your mate turned out to be. You were such a devil back then, never able to just sit down and relax."

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