Chapter Fourteen

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"You seem angry..." Digging my fingers into my brothers desk, I pushed the dark thoughts filtering through my head back into the shadowy corner of my brain.

I don't know how you were ever able handle him Cara... I took two deeps breaths before I was able to face the man that made my skin crawl. Then I snapped, "Of course I am! My best friend has been missing for weeks and her own brother won't do a god damn thing about it!"

"Have you done anything?" He asked causing my anger to grow even more.

"I'm her best friend, asking that was the most stupid question in the world. I've been doing everything in my power too-"

"Yet, here you are." Lucas interrupted.

His question stunned me for a second, but then quickly turned my anger into rage, "Excuse me!?"

"You say you've been doing everything you can but last time I checked you're in here bickering when you should be out there searching."

"You're here too!"

"I have people out there looking for her right now...they've been looking non-stop for days."

"That's a lie." I growled knowing that Cara's pack hasn't done anything in the search and rescue efforts.

"No it's not."

"Your pack-"

"Last time I checked, I never said that I sent members from the pack, to look for her."

"So who did you send then?"

"Associates. Friends of a friend. People who care deeply around my princesses whereabouts."

"Well you don't have the responsibilities that I-"

"You're right," He interrupted again, "I don't the same responsibilities as you, but that is because I actually have more; a lot more really, but those responsibilities are for other things."

"Like what," I laughed, "Keeping everyone running in circles while you hide Cara and the other Alpha's?"

Something mischievous and dark flashed in his eyes, he smiled at me, his canines thicker and sharper then normal, "You think I am the one behind all this?"

"I don't know, are you?"

"As much as I'm sure you probably wish I wouldn't even consider putting myself in the person's shoes...after all, I do rather like organs inside my body." Almost as if it had never even been there, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes and then disappeared. The raw emotion sent a dark shiver racing down my spine but I kept my face as blank as possible. There was no way I was going to let him know that his comment had scared me; knowing him he'd use it to his advantage.

"Your organs?" Even if I was able to hide my emotions, there was no stopping my curiosity; it was just as bad as Cara's.

"Yes, my organs. You know those delicate things inside my body that I need in order to continue on living."

"And who would do such a thing?" I asked. Who would want to even want to do that?

Like always, his answer was anything but what I wanted to hear, "Someone that you don't need to worry about."

"Clearly if you're worried about him removing your organs then I should be worried about who he is."

"Oh I'm not worried, I've given neither them or him any reason to remove them. Now the person who took Cara...they should be worried..."

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