Chapter 12

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"I'm stuffed"

"Miranda you barely touched your food dear" My mother said

'I can't eat anymore I'm on a diet' was Miranda's response

'Honey you don't want the food to go to waste'

"I said I'm full, I don't need you forcing me to eat" Miranda replayed to my mother

"You barely touched the food. You've only had a few bites and you certainly need to gain a few meat on you girl"

"Don't tell me what I should and should not do. Do you know how hard I've worked to be where I am today. I certainly don't need you telling me I need to gain weight... Jennifer". Miranda huffed

"For the last time Miranda, it's Mrs. Morgan. It was not my intention to insult you I'm just simply stating that you've lost a tremendous amount of weight. It's like every time we meet, you're half the size you once were I'm only concerned about your health" My mother explained sounding troubled.

On the other hand, Miranda looked like she was about to lose it. "I have to keep in shape for my profession, I can't be walking around looking like the likes of yo- "

"Miranda that is enough don't you dare insult my wife" my father stepped in before everything gets blown out of order.

"No Michael let her say what she wants to say" turning to Miranda. Challenging her to continue. "Go on Miranda finish your sentence"

"I...I was just...just stating that I need...need to be in shape for my modelling career unless...unless no one will hire me... I'll even be dropped from Paris fashion week. I need to be as lean as possible to stay relevant" Miranda was on the verge of tears. Her face became red and she looked extremely flushed.

'I think you need some air Miranda" I finally spoke surprising even myself.

In fact, I needed air too after that episode. My mother was surprisingly calm. It was almost like she felt her pain. Like she understood what Miranda was facing or at least she tried to understand.

The tension in the room was thick you could cut it with a knife. Everyone remained silent.

Miranda stood up shockingly after a while, making eye contact with no one quietly excusing herself. I followed silently behind her not before making sure my mother was okay.

"Mum are you alright"

"I'm fine, love. You should go check on her seems like she needs company" was my mother's response.

Without another word I left the dining room leaving my mother and my father in silence.

I walked through the hall, in an opposite direction from the front door anticipating what could possibly happen next.

Poking my head through the back door I saw Miranda sitting on one of the benches in the garden with her head in her lap.

The sight was heart wrenching. I may not be in love with her, but I did care to an extent. I was probably the only one that saw this side of her.

She looked defeated.

She may come across to others as aggressive and narrow minded but in reality, she's insecure and unsure of herself.

Ever since I've known her, she's been extremely self-conscious and lacks confidence in herself. She tries playing it off and making people believe that she's self-assured when in reality she's not.

Only in rare occasions have I seen her in this manner, her true self. In moments like this I can't help but sympathies with her, making me stay instead of going for what I truly want.

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