chapter 6; letter 5

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Hey Miles,

Can you sleep enough?
I don't want to ruin
everything in your life

I don't want you to hurt yourself
I want you to breathe in 
and breathe out

And remember
How much

we both mean
to each other

I just want to know that you're safe

So since you can't tell me

I got a few of my friends 
to keep an eye on you

Please don't do anything stupid
Don't try anything stupid

I love you,

See you soon,
Brandon Clark

I did the same thing as I always do
I flipped the letter
and started to read.

/Don't do anything stupid
/Don't do any harsh
/Remember what you've accomplished
/I love you

This is a list that I made for him,

Why would he use the same one?

My thoughts came to a halt and a car honked.

I got up and looked through the window.

There were two moving vans and about three 20-year-olds, at least they look about that age.

I went out of my room and went outside to say hi.

"Hi!" I shouted to get their attention.

Two stopped moving boxes and the other walked over to me.

"Hey, Hot stuff." the one who walked over to me said.

"Hi-.." I said unsurely.

"I'm Justin, welcome to the neighborhood."

"Justin, that's a nice name!" one of the other two said, as they came closer.

"Just like those abs!"

Right no shirt, I forgot my shirt on my bed.

The guy in front of me held out his hand, "Patrick Clark."

I backed up, "I'm sorry what?"

"I'm Patrick Charms."


"These are my friends, Smila Jacobs, and Josiah Charms."

"Dude, you can't always introduce me as your friend,"

"Seriously Rick, I'm your brother we had this talk before," Josiah said.

"Yeah, but you're an embarrassment."

"You guys wouldn't happen to know who Brandon Clark is, would you?" I asked.

Smila and Patrick apologetically smiled,

"No sorry is he missing or something?" I could hear his voice,
there was guilt in his voice.

Does he really know Brandon?

Is he lying?

See You Soon, BrandonWhere stories live. Discover now