chapter 12: the little package

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I was in my bed
not wanting to move
not even a single inch.

I heard my doorbell ring
but I did not move,

Someone started to
knock on the door
very hard, and loud

"Justin Miles are you here?!"
I groaned,
and got out from my bed

I walked over to the door
"Can you shut up?"
I asked the person
"Can you sign this?"
They asked me.

I took a deep breath
and signed for the box.

They gave me the box
and went back to their car,
I went to my room to open the box.

All there was in thw box was a basket,
I took out the basket,
but soon quickly dropped it,

There were 2 pistols
inside the basket
along with gum and flowers,

I stared at empty box
where Brandon's letters used to be
and I took the basket out to my car.

I waved bye to the neighbours
as I drove away from my house,
It wasn't long when I got to the beach.

No one was here,
it was just me and the basket.

I walked onto the dock,
carrying the basket,

I placed the basket down,
as I got to the end of the dock,
I took out the flowers
placing them just beside the basket,
took out the pistol,
and put it in my mouth,
as I pulled the trigger.

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