chapter 11; letter 10

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Before reading the letter I found myself early in the morning,
out at the neighbors.

Smila, and Patrick were both, outside,
so I made a slap
and ran back to my place.

Hey Miles,

Honestly, I feel horrible,
I put you into a mess
that I can't reverse.

I wish I could
but to do that
I would have to be alive.

And if I was
I'd probably
be making out with you ;)

But with all due honesty
I am so sorry that I couldn't
be there with you,

And that I'm
nowhere to be found.

I wish I really was alive
But the only reason I'm gone
Is because I really love you

And I wanted to
spend the rest of my life
with you

But I made a huge mistake,
and I killed myself.

See you soon,
Brandon Clark

I looked at the letter,
beside his name was a bit of blood

Water dripped down to the letter
and soon I found myself crying.

My instincts came
and I flipped the letter,

/whatever you do, do not sign for the small package
/please just don't go near it
/miles i love you and i don't want you
/anywhere near it
/promise me

See You Soon, BrandonWhere stories live. Discover now