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1. Some fans find her harder than Junko. As for me, I think they were about the same, although Junko's non-spell cards were somewhat laughable, though her actual spell cards and her amazing theme make up for that.

2. As a fairy, she could be exceptionally strong. This reworks a boundary of how strong a fairy-class youkai could be.

3. Her clothes and danmaku is an obvious reference to USA's flag, and it's a bit of a mock on how westeners put a bit of Japanese/Asian jokes to their art and games.

4. This could probably referencing on how advanced and powerful USA is, since she's a stage 5 boss

5. Her spell card, "Apollo Hoax Theory", clearly refers to the conspiracy that the moon landing was fake, and filmed in a studio. Whether it was actually a hoax or not, that spell card was very rage-inducing.

6. Fans often joke about her outfit and American pride. Some even consider her to be American, although she is not officially American, she is from hell.

7. Fans often compare her to because she is considered the strongest fairy in the series, and Cirno calls herself the strongest. Sorry Cirno, but Clownpiece is way stronger and harder than you ever could be. I personally prefer Clownpiece.

8. Clownpiece claims that the flame from her torch can drive one into insanity, but I myself haven't seen any real proof of this.

9. According to her, any human looking at the flame of her torch would be unable to keep their sanity, making her easily able to mess their mind.

10. Her character art pose resembles the statue of liberty.

11. She chose to use the star-spangled pattern on her clothes after having seen the American flag on the Moon.

12. Clownpiece is based on lampads, nymphs who serve the goddess Hecate, the basis of Hecatia.

13. Some say Clownpiece is the new Mima. Sorry, but nobody can replace her.

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