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Requested by _-Samson-_

1. Rumia says "Is that so~" exactly once during Reimu's scenario. Fan works repeat this, sometimes reducing this to her only line of dialogue.

2. Rumia is sometimes shown as a cheerful youkai if the artist decides to ignore her creepy tendencies.

3. Rumia complains in Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red that light hurts her eyes. Whether this is simply because her eyes are adjusted to the dark or because light is an innate weakness of hers is unknown, but she's apparently fine with moonlight.

4. ZUN has gone on record saying he deliberately chose a power that sounds more like it belongs to a Final Boss and gave it to a complete idiot, Rumia.

5. Rumia is likely the stupidest character in canon - she can't eat anyone because she blinds herself instead of the target every single time.

6. Her personal bubble of darkness occassionally gets used by other youkai and fairies that hate direct sunlight and/or the heat it brings as a shelter on hot days.

7. Rumia is known for the memorial "First to Use the Spell Card System™" in the history of shooting games.

8. Rumia's non-spell card attacks and her spell card Moonlight Ray are similar to the attacks of Mystic Square's first stage boss, Sara.

9. If it weren't for Rumia's amulet, she would have been one of the few characters that doesn't wear any headgear.

10. Some people speculate that the reason why she can't take her amulet off is because she spreads her arms a lot.

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