Wriggle Nightbug

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1. Since she's one of the few characters who have short hair and wear pants, a lot of fanart likes to depict her as looking very boyish.

2. As with a lot of minor characters, she is often depicted as being abused by the more powerful denizens.

3. Surprisingly, a very popular pairing involving her is Yuuka. This is shipped mainly because somebody as powerful as Yuuka probably wouldn't pay any mind to somebody like Wriggle. ???

4. Gathering and controlling insects may not seem too impressive, but think about how many scary insects there are: acid spitting hornets, bullet ants, killer bees, etc. Not to mention the vast numbers of insects.

5. According to Perfect Memento In Strict Sense, Wriggle is capable of gathering a demonic breed of harvest mites - a kind of microscopic bug, whose bites are hard to detect and fatally poisonous. Guys, we are neglecting a very powerful character here.

6. According to an interview with ZUN, Wriggle could have made an appearance in Touhou Hisoutensoku, however, due to a lack of time, she was removed. Why?? I'm fine with Kaguya and Mokou being cut, but why Wriggle?!?!

7. In Imperishable Night, the player can go up to the top of the screen and focus to collect items without being at full power (the Magic Team doesn't even have to focus to do this). For beginning players, sometimes they would be caught off guard in the middle of stage 1 trying to collect point items and lose a life due to Wriggle coming from the top of the screen while the player is at the same location trying collecting point items.

8. This sudden fly-in from Wriggle is sometimes referred to as the "Boot Sign: Wriggle Kick" in the fandom.

9. Wriggle is one of the fewest characters to wear a cape. The other being Utsuho Reiuji, Byakuren Hijiri, Sekibanki and Toyosatomimi no Miko.

10. Due to insects being near the very bottom of the food chain, Wriggle is sometimes portrayed as "food" in some fan comics. Especially food for Yamame Kurodani, a spider youkai, or for Mystia Lorelei, a night sparrow (who in turn is food for Yuyuko Saigyouji, a glutton).

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