Chapter 7 - Your Turn

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The next few days were quiet. The only three people I would see were Ashley, Theo and Colton. Ashley would help me bathe, Theo would tend to my injuries and Colton would bring me food and come to bed each night. Every morning he was gone. I was lonely and sore, but eventually, Theo gave me the okay so I was finally allowed to go out. 

After he left, I went to have a shower. I let the water wash away the memories and hurt of the past few days. I haven't heard from my wolf since the event. I can feel her, but she just won't speak to me. I think she is too hurt and just is shutting off life. Colton doesn't say much either. His face was always emotionless. I couldn't read him. It scared me. He didn't touch me in those few days, which I was thankful for, but I had a terrible feeling that it wasn't the end to this terror. 

As I stood in that shower, I began to think of my life before I met Colton. My mother, father and sister back home were in my thoughts. Were they looking for me? Did they know where I was? I wish I could call them. I wish I could tell them where I was and ask for them to get me out of here. However, I knew that even if I could get ahold of them, I knew that they wouldn't be able to do anything. My old Alpha would never do anything for a nobody like myself. 

I turn off the shower and step out. Wiping the mirror with my hand, I look at myself in the mirror. My wounds are healed and bruises are long gone. I have a few scars from the deeper hits of the whip, but overall, you can barely see what happened. Thank you wolf healing. 

I take a long, hard look at my face. My eyes are dull and I have bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep. My skin is pale and lifeless. I look awful. Shaking my head, I make the decision to actually try and look good today. I brush out my long hair and sweep it behind my shoulder. I add a little concealer to my under eyes and mascara to my lashes. I pat some blush on my cheeks to add some life to my face. Sighing, I walk over to the bedroom to get dressed. Two days ago, Ashley brought me a few bags of clothes and hung them in the closet, but today is the first day I got to actually look at them. 

The vast majority of them were short, tight dresses. There were a couple of pairs of jeans and some shirts. I opt for a black dress and a pair of red ballet flats. Slipping them on, I decide to head out of the room and explore the house. I have yet to check everything out here. 

Slowly I open the door and peer out of the highway. There are two girls in the hallway talking to each other. I step out and head towards them. 

"Hello, I am Skylar," I say to the two girls.

"Hey I am Eliza and this is Jenni. Nice to meet you, Luna." The brunette says. 

The black haired girl, Jenni laughs. "Let's get out of here."

I watch both girls take off down the hallway, out of my view. Well, that was odd. I continue on my way towards the stairs and slowly walk down them. I see multiple pack members in the living room. Some watching tv, while others talk to each other. Instead of talking to anyone this time, I head down a hallway to the right of the stairs. On the walls, there are paintings of various battles in history. Many depict deaths and triumphs of various famous wolves. 

The first doorway on the left is the kitchen area and across the hall is the dining area. Multiple tables are around the room, probably enough seating for one hundred wolves, maybe two hundred. A large window looks out onto the forest. 

I continue down the hall to closed, double doors. Curiosity gets the better of me and I push them open. As soon as I open them, I regret it immediately. I smell his scent before I see his face. 

He looks up from the paper he was reading and glares at me with his beautiful blue eyes. "What are you doing here, Skylar?" 

"I was just looking around, I am sorry to disturb you. I will leave." I tell him. I really didn't want to get on his bad side already. I mean, I literally just healed. I go to turn around and leave, but a hand on my arm stops me. I turn to see Colton. 

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