Chapter 12 - Three Weeks

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Three weeks. 

It's been three weeks since I had the pleasure of meeting Colton Myers. 

Pleasure my ass. says Ailith with a sneer. 

Okay, definitely not pleasure. Sorry. I reply. 

It's been three weeks since Colton Myers stole me away from my perfectly, boring life to bring me to this nightmare of pain and fear. Three long weeks. 

Luckily, he has been gone for the past four days visiting the other districts of his pack. 

Districts. Such a funny word. Ailith comments. 

You are so weird. 

You were thinking it too! She huffs. 

I shut her out as I look out the window of the living room. The air in the pack house is lighter without Colton here. You see more children playing outside in the courtyard. I swear there is finally sun over this gloomy place, something I haven't seen in weeks. 

Beta Larson is in charge while Colton is gone. He is quite different than Colton. He holds the pack's respect, not their fear. He is truly an amazing man. Plus, he stood true to his word and has been helping me train every day for an hour. I have never been worked so hard in my life, but it feels great learning something that could potentially help me in the future. 

My only worry is what would happen if I were to ever stand up against Colton or another member of the pack. I just don't know what would happen. 

A light cough knocks me out of my thoughts, causing me to jump and turn around. 

"Sorry, Skylar." Theo chuckles. "I was just checking in on you."

"I am fine Theo, thank you. Just watching the pack play in the sun. I swear it's the first time the sun has appeared since I came here." I sigh. 

"Or maybe it's the first time you noticed." He offers with a small smile. 

I giggle. "Yes, you are right. I haven't had a day to just enjoy the sun in a while."

"Well, that brings me to what I wanted to ask you." Theo starts. He looks nervous as he shoves his hands into his jean pockets. "I've noticed you haven't shifted since...the event. I was wondering if you wanted to go for a run. With me."

I take a second to look at him, worried that he was just joking. When I see he wasn't, I jump from my spot at the window and hop into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck in a tight embrace. "Of course! I would absolutely love that Theo, thank you!" I exclaim. I can feel my wolf dance around in excitement at the opportunity to finally be free. 

"Great! Did you want to leave now? I just have to let Lars know." He says, pointing in the direction of Colton's office that Beta Larson was using in his absence. 

"Yes. Let me just grab a bag to put our clothes into." I say with a smile. 

"I already have one. Come on, let's go tell him." Theo says, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the office. 

"Slow down, Theo. He isn't going anywhere." I laugh, practically running behind him trying to keep up. 

We make it to the office in no time and Theo swings the door open without even knocking. "Lars, I'm-" He starts, freezing suddenly with his eyes wide. 

I quickly step inside the office to see what he is looking at, only to see Beta Larson struggling to pull his pants up while a half-naked girl scurries around the room grabbing her clothes. "Oh shit," I mumble under my breath. 

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