Alternate Ending #2

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Content Warning - Shitty chapter ahead

Colton POV

I lead her downstairs to the basement, her arm firmly in my grasp. She doesn't fight me at all, instead, she just walks calmly with her head down. I find myself missing her opposing me. It's who she is.

We pass by rows of rogues who dared trespass on my land. Some are dying or already dead and the stench is overwhelming, making my nose crinkle up in disgust. I notice Skylar doesn't look in any of the cells - probably full of memories of her time in one. 

"Once we get through this, we will have a quiet dinner to ourselves. Okay?" I say as we round the bend and the door to the cell I am looking for comes into view. Larson and Theo are standing waiting for us. Both nod their head when they see us. 

"Yes, Colton," Skylar says quietly as she continues to look at the floor. I drop her arm and walk closer to the two men who wait patiently for me. 

"He's chained to the wall as you asked. He's pretty beat up, but still alive." Theo says, his voice dripping with disgust as he glares at me. "Are you really going to do this? Don't you think this is going too far?" 

I look at Skylar for a moment, my heart skipping a beat, before turning my attention back to Theo. "Don't question me," I order, but my words aren't strong like they usually are. 

Theo nods his head and opens the door for me. I turn to Skylar and offer my hand. She takes it without hesitating and I bring her inside. 

As promised, Norman is chained to the wall. His arms are above him and he is hanging down - his feet barely touching the ground. There is a bag over his head and he's barely covered with only a pair of shorts covering his lower half. 

In the centre of the room is a sturdy, wooden table. I walk to it, dropping Skylar's hand and run my hand over it. This is where I plan on fucking Skylar, but something feels wrong. I am second guessing myself and it makes me sick to my stomach. 

Ignoring the foreign feeling, I walk towards my father in law and rip the bag from his head. "Rise and shine, Dad," I growl, forcing myself to grin. His face is black and blue. Both eyes are swollen almost completely shut and his lip is busted open. It's truly a gruesome sight. 

"Skylar?" He whispers, his voice hoarse as he looks around the room for his daughter. He finds her after a moment, but she refuses to look up at him. I can't feel anything in the bond. She feels...empty. 

"How about we just get this done and over with, eh?" I say as I walk towards my mate. "Skylar and I have a dinner planned."

Walking behind her, I run my hand from one shoulder to her neck, the pads of my fingers lightly grazing her mark. I watch carefully as goosebumps form on her delicate skin. She closes her eyes and leans her head back against my chest - giving me more access to her neck. I start with a simple kiss and she moans, the mark sending pleasure coursing through her entire body. I can feel it. This is the mate bond doing its job. 

Turning her towards me, I place my hand on her cheek and bring my lips to hers. They are soft and delicate, but fit perfectly with mine and move in perfect harmony with my movements. I feel her sink into me - giving herself completely to me. 

Lifting her by her thighs, I pick her up and lead her to the table - my lips never leaving hers. My heart is racing and my that new found emotion begins building within me. I pull away from her and look into her eyes - her empty eyes. I look for just a spark of the girl I met a month ago, but nothing is there. They are just hollow and lifeless, despite her being very alive in front of me. 

And then it hits me. 

What am I doing? 

"Skylar," I whisper as I caress her cheek carefully. "Come back to me."

I watch her carefully, but nothing happens. She continues to look up at me with nothing. Absolutely nothing. I feel my heart clench in my chest. 

Grabbing it carefully, I step back from her - my brows furrowed and my lip twisted into something of disgust. 

"Come on, love," I say. "Say something. Do something."

She continues to look at me with that blank look and I feel my anger begin to grow. 

"What the fuck are you doing? Quit looking at me like that and fight me! I know you have it in you, you have been fighting me since I claimed you!" I yell. "Scream! Yell! Push against me! Do something, but quit looking at me with that stupid look on your face!"

"Colton, I-"

"No! I refuse to believe that she is gone forever." I growl, ripping my arm from Theo. Grasping her arms tightly in my hands, I begin to shake her roughly - her head flopping back and forth as tears begin to sting her eyes. "Fight me!"

I slap her roughly across the cheek, her head snapping to the side. It leaves a nasty red mark on her beautiful face and a drop of blood runs down from her nose. She looks up at me again - still nothing. 

My hand forms a fist and I bring it to her face. She breaks away from me, falling to the floor in a heap. Her father yells some incoherent words that I can't focus on as I bring my fist down on her again. 

Again and again, I hit her as words telling her to wake up and fight me spill from my lips. I vaguely feel Theo grab my arm, but with one movement, he lays against the far wall completely lifeless as blood spills from his head. 

"Colton, you need to stop!" Larson shouts as he tries to pull me away from her, but I turn to him, snarling and he backs away from me with his head bowed. 

Returning to her, I bring my fist down and down. Blood begins pouring from every opening. Her father continues screaming and sobbing from behind me. Larson begs with me to stop before I kill her. 

And with one last hit to her face, I feel something within me snap. My heart feels like it's ripped from my chest and pain engulfs me.

She's dead. 

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