3. Deal

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3. Deal

"Blake?!" I screeched "what are you doing here?!" My eyes widened  with shock but, of course, I knew why he was here. How could I forget? Stupid, stupid, stupid! I chanted inwardly

You remember him, Blake Samuels; the most popular boy in our school. The oldest and the most handsome. Cocky, Arrogant, Strong. I watch his fighting in school, the way he picked on the younger years, pushing them into walls and calling the names or yelling profanities at them. To put it nicely, he was not a boy to get on the wrong side of

"what are you doing here?" he retorted, looking me over. His eyes went wide before landing at my face "W-Wait! You're Ginger?!"

I took an involuntary step back "y-you shouldn't be here." I stuttered

"who are you?" My brother asked him, now standing up in front of me

"I'm Blake... I go to her school"

I sighed, still holding my noes "Seriously, what are you doing here? Why didn't you knock?" I moved around my brother, pushing to the side a little

He shrugged "wanted to know who was under the mask" was his million pound answer

"well now you know. And I bet by the time I go into school tomorrow; everyone will know!" I hiss violently, before flinching from the stinging in my noes "I don't want them to know Blake!"

"Fine, I not tell them" he had a smirk on his lips

"I mean it!" I stepped forwards "this isn't one of those where you cross me!" I looked back in the mirror "you know who I am know. It's not a joke...Unless you drunk and this is all an illusion" I waved my hands in the air creating messy patterns. Yeah, the doctor better get her quick

He chuckled "Sorry pet" his eyes grey evil "I might have a bit of fun with it though" he shrugged

I stormed towards him, but When I passed Marcus he grabbed my arms forcefully, stopping me from getting any further. That's another thing that's important; my brother? Is strong! I mean- murderous strong! He just doesn't used his gift for our purpose.

So here I stand squirming in his grip seething for this immature boy

Blake walked in and closed the door behind him "Myra Clay." he shook his head "this is rich, your Ginger?" chuckling, he sat down on the sofa and kicked his feet on the coffee table "I guess it does explain the mysterious bruises and injuries you always seem to have, though"

I glared daggers at him. No, this didn't explain the injuries. I couldn't believe he found out, though! I should of known though, he did say he's d-mask me "Yes" I reluctantly breathed after a moments silence

Marcus suddenly let me go and stepped forwards and grabbed his by the front of his shirt "Tell anyone and I'll kill you myself!" he seethed dangerously close to his face

At first you couldn't miss the fear, but he quickly masked it "how about we make a deal" he offered, looking over to me


"teach me to fight-" Blake started

"-NO!" my brother cut in, turning to me "your not teaching this moron to fight!"

Marcus was getting angry, and fast. He got his anger from dad, he got angry quickly too. I got my temper from my mum -who coincidently got jailed for lashing out at a stranger in the street at one point in her life. Don't sound that different right? Wrong. Marcus and dad can contain there anger until they see someone they hate. I can't.

"Marcus, could you leave us for a moment?"

He shook his head "I'm not leaving you with him, dressed like that, in your condition"

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