12. Change

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12. Change

"yeah, I totally kissed Ginger" Blake bragged. We were in English and I could hear him bragging to Eliot about how he kissed me. I was so close to spinning around and punching him in the face; he was on dangerous grounds and he knew it

My teeth ground together as the continued "oh man!" they high-fived "that's epic, what did she look like?" Eliot asked

My whole body went tense, my hands gripping the edge of the table until my knuckles went white "can't say dude, but she totally agreed that if it wasn't for people not knowing she would of gone out with me"

My nails scrapped painfully loud down the table sounding similar to nails on a chalk board, but I knew this was what Blake wanted, for me to jealous of myself, to want people to know it's me.

It was thursday now, I've had to spent the whole day with him braging about kissing Ginger...Me, but nobody knew it was me except Penny, who was sending me some weird looks and so, Penny told me I have to tell her everything after school today, I reluctantly agreed over training Blake

"is she fit?" Eliot asked. My hands were fisted on top of the table now, my nails digging into my skin but I strangely found myself curious as to what he would say

he hesitated for a moment and it was as if I could feel his eyes burning into the back if my skull, and just as he was about to reply, the bell went off for end of lesson

saved by the bell... I thought as i stood up and rushed out the room, scared as to what he would of said

Me and Marcus haven't spoken a work since yesterday at Blake's, and to be honest, I don't know if I did... I mean- what if he did 'kill' Travis, what then? What if he didn't succeed and Travis overpowered him. Oh god...

I've also got another fight planned soon, against someone call Stevie Smith, I've fought her before but she wanted revenge, something that I was loosely paying attention to at the moment. She's a good fighter don't get me wrong, but someone I really can't be bothered to deal with at the moment.

I went to where Penny was at dinner, needing someone to confind in, to talk to. I walked right up to her, she was with Kyle but I didn't care; we needed to talk "I need a word with you" she said sternly, detaching herself away from her boyfriend

I nodded, my face remaining vacant and allowed her to pull me aside and round the corner of the building

"okay! Why the hell is Blake saying he kissed you!" she whsipered harshly making me flich back

"because... Because I... kind of... sort of... maybe, did...?" the way I said made it sound like a question

Her eyes widened with shock and her hands flew to her mouth "do you- do you... Like him?"

I blushed instantly, comfirming her thoughts "I dunno..." I mummbled looking down at the ground and it was the truth; yeah, he was a total jerk and aragont as hell, but when I trained with him... I had fun even if I was just beating him up...And yesterday after Marcus left he was so nice trying to comfort me and calm me down, it wa so sweet "maybe"

She squealed, jumping up and down slightly "that's so cute!"

"-what so cute?" a voice interuppted her. We both spun around to see the arragont jerk himself.

I froze instantly, my face heating up even more and my eyes buldging out of my skull. But I should if known he would of followed me, it was the Blake thing to do "I-I..."

I looked desperatley at Penny for some help, only to find that she had walked away to Kyle, sending my a devilish grinn. I narrowed my eyes in her direction, how could she just leave me with him, she knows how bad I am with boy stuff... Bitch.

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