13. Jealousy

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13. Jealousy

So the weekend has finally arrived. I'm moved back to my little house in Yani- much to Blakes complaining- but I needed to. I couldn't stay there forever, despite how much I want to.

But for me, it wasn't much of a saturday than, trying-to-aviod-my-brother-at-all-costs, day. See, eveytime we bump into each at the house it get's prity heated up, and fast. I know i'm ignoring him and he knows why- he's still not got a job!

I know I sound like how a mother should act- but he's nearly twenty-one and I'm the one taking care of him at sixteen! God! I never understand that boy.

But, becuase I can't stay at the house and Penny and Amy are busy with there boyfriends and everyone else is too lazy to go out today, and I'm not asking Blake- It's just me, walking around the streets with no real intention. Sad, I know. I've not even got a dog I can be pretending to walk... Sigh

My hands push deeper into my jeans pockets. Why Is he just that selfish?! That he doesn't even want to support his own sister... Wonderful.

"wow Myra, you seem tense" I jumped to the sound of Jo's voice. It's been a while since I've seen him since I've been at Blakes

"yeah. I am." I sigh. He was at the same wall where i met him last time, wearing the same black leather jacket and skinny jeans with the red t-shirt. I joined him and lent against the wall by his side

"wanna talk about it?"

I shook my head "you don't need to know about my problems, you have enough to worry about..."

He chuckled "you really think I'm going to let you leave without telling me?"

I frowned; I definatley wasn't going to tell him that my brother didn't have a job, and that was the fact I was aimlessly walking around town, that made me seem like a spoiled brat, did it not? "I met a guy..." I found myself saying before I could stop it

He grinned and nudged his elbow into my side, making me slap it away "Myra Clay, did you just say a guy? I didn't think you was interested in guys?"

I frowned- something I seemed to be doing a lot today- and grunted. He was right, I never really was that interested in guys before, but that was because if my profession; I couldn't just go around with a boyfriend asking where I went every other Friday and coming up with excuses for every bruise and injury that came my way; it was easier if I didn't. And then there was Travis, he'd kill me If I was ever involved with a lad, he's already proved that...

But Blake knew all about that didn't he. He didn't have to be told lies or excuses; he already knew that I went to fights and looked after my older brother- and now, he knew sort of what Travis did. But we've not spoken about it yet. With Blake, I might not have to hide myself as much as I would if I went for other guys

"this guys new..." I finally muttered

He chuckled "what about him, do I know him?"

I didn't know what to say at first, would he know Blake...? Of course dummy! everyone knows Blake. I groan inwardly at my own stupidity "he... he goes to my school... You probably know his name though; Blake"

"Blake Samuels? Yeah, he goes to that Ginger chicks fight's a lot- we're okay"

I nodded "yeah, well, I met him there; at the fight." which was true, I wasn't lying in anyway. I just didn't happen to mention that I was the one fighting and he was the one storming into my dressing room seeking m true identity and threatening me to train him...

He smiled "your just too cute Myra" he shook his head and before I could respond, he continued "you like him, don't you?"

I nodded slightly "I think I do..." I sighed, running a hand through my hair "a lot" It was hard to admit this to Jo, seeing as I was still trying to convinse myself. Like I've said before; I'm not good with guy stuff.

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