Chapter 6: To Choose an Opponent

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Harry was about to bolt again. He doesn't need another confrontation with Malfoy, and he doesn't want Malfoy to see him crying and bawling his heart out.

Harry felt helpless. He didn't know what to do. Sweet Merlin! What am I going to do? He thought. He's just fifteen for Salazar's sake. Cancer of all the sickness. He got cancer. Harry slid down and hugged his knees close to his chest.

Why me of all the people?

His life just can't get better, can't it? It can only get worse. First, Voldemort and now, bloody Cancer. And now look at what Fate brought- Malfoy. Is it even hard to have time for himself? To have time for him to think about things?

"Potter? You alright?" He heard Malfoy asking him. Harry almost laughed. Draco Lucius Malfoy, asking him if he was fine? Really, Fate has its own way of playing with those who trample upon its strings. Harry, unfortunately, was one of those who- not only trampled with- but actually tied himself to Fate's knots, and it never fails to tighten its grip everywhere on Harry's person.

"I'm fine, Malfoy." Harry sniffed then wiped his tears with his robe's sleeve, "What do you even care? Just go on your merry way, ferret," Harry spat.

Malfoy's icy blue eyes glinted with annoyance. With a sneer, Draco spatted back, "Well, Potter. Seems like you are one bloody arrogant prat aren't you? I was asking if what in Merlin's ancient beard are you doing there, crying. And do not fucking deny it, I saw you!" Harry gave Malfoy a glare, but Malfoy seemed used to it. "My merry way, you say? Well, I do have empathy, Potter. I know how to choose my opponents, and trust me, looking at you like some helpless idiot makes me ask; is this really the Potter I know? Is this someone worth my hexes and spells?" Draco gave off a dry laugh, "You look like you're going to drop any moment!" Draco said.

Harry fiercely glared back, his green eyes flashing and his lashes wet with tears. "Whatever. Leave me alone!" Harry grumbled.

Draco gave off that laugh again, "Sure. Why shouldn't I oblige to His Highness Potter's bidding?" Draco then turned around dramatically and started to leave.

Harry watched Malfoy's figure walking away one step at a time. Harry sighed. He was an arrogant prat back there, wasn't he? Harry knew he needed someone to talk to. But Malfoy? Harry sighed. He was no prat! He just wasn't. So, being all the Gryffindor he was, he swallowed his pride.

"Malfoy!" Harry called, "Hey, Malfoy!"

Draco stopped in his tracks as he heard Potter call to him. What now? Draco turned and saw Potter struggling to stand up with wobbly knees. "Shit!" he heard Potter swore. Draco jogged to the other boy's side and helped him stand.

"Oh, damn." He saw Potter close his eyes for a minute, "Thanks. But I think I ought to sit around for a while. I can't catch my breath," Harry said, clearly looking like it. Draco watched his most hated person in the world struggle for his breath against the cold stone walls of Hogwarts.

Draco might never admit., but for a moment he feared that Potter would indeed drop down and never get up again. No matter how much Draco hates Harry Potter, there was a part of him that hoped and depended on Potter. His destiny lies on Potter's hands, just like the rest of the Wizarding World. He does know how to choose his opponents- his Father had taught him just as much. He knew when to prod Potter and when to simply glare at him or ignore the other boy.

If there was one thing Lucius Malfoy hadn't forgotten to teach Draco concerning the art of choosing enemies, it was to know when to push on and when to stay still. And at that moment, Draco knew he had to stay still. Potter cannot fight back. What is the use of fighting of your rival cannot even breathe? Where's the fun in picking on people who cannot return the favor? Besides, Lucius was not that cruel. He may hate muggleborns and half-bloods, but he was still human. He taught Draco to never forget his being human. Malfoys may be superior, but they aren't monsters.

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