Chapter 29: Regrets

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Back at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy, the son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy was sitting in the Great Hall solemnly with his friends. Their new Potions Professor Slughorn was nowhere as good as his godfather Severus Snape despite the rumors that has it saying that the man was an excellent potions master and taught Severus when he was a student.

DADA was getting worse everyday. They barely learnt a thing. The pink toad and her cats- Draco had the urge to feed the cats to the Giant Squid that is residing in the lake. Her outrageous pink outfit was a fashion disaster. With Dumbledore gone, she has taken over the school. The rules were ridiculous and her detention was something that everyone feared.

Blood quill. Many slytherins were subjected to Blood Quill, especially those who defended their former head of house. Snape was the only one that Umbridge were scared of but then again, everyone feared him. No shocker there. The Ministry issued a search for Dumbledore, who had gone missing the same time as Severus and Potter.

Potter. Draco could not help but shiver when he remembers that boy, who used to be the bane of his existence, but now has become a mystery.

He also noticed that Potter's friends doesn't seem bothered by Potter's disappearance. The rumors about their absence were either rather dramatic or nonsensical. It was something that plagued Draco day and night.

However, the image of Potter crying on the floor so helplessly was clear in his mind like it happened yesterday. He was curious, and as the famous saying goes 'Curiosity kills the cat.' Draco was dead curious. Everything happened so fast! What could have happened to Potter? In dire need of something to take his mind off of Potter, he stood up to take a walk back to the Common Room.

"Where ya headin', Drake?" One of the lower year Slytherins asked. Draco only gave the younger boy a look, and he slumped back at the Draco's pointed stare.

He quickly made his way down to the Slytherin dungeons, relishing in the solitude that was comforting. Away from the crowd, Draco was at least comforted with the thought that he was not being someone else. Many thought that the Malfoys was cold and heartless.

Lucius Malfoy was the most caring and supportive father he could ever asked for. After the damage Abraxas did to the Malfoy name, the once glorious, dignified name was now tarnished. Lucius had worked hard in restoring the name back to its former glory.

Narcissa was a loving mother and wife. She cooks even if the house elves are available. Both of them were always loving to one another. For that, Draco is proud of being a Malfoy. People tend to judge them easily and he was used to it, and Draco had grown up to hearing his Father's name being whispered in hallways and alleys. Sure, Draco admits, Lucius had connections with the Wizarding Underworld, but Draco knew that Lucius needed connections for his business to thrive. It was simply a matter of survival- one which Lucius intends on doing.

But Draco could not talk to them.

The Floos were tightly monitored by the Pink Toad. As curious as he was, he felt he had to know what really happened to Severus and Potter. All his Father ever told him was that Severus and Potter had to leave the wizarding world and obliviated some. The question is, why? When he asked his Mother about it, she was tight lipped, redirecting Draco to other matters such as school and Draco's plans for the future.

What could have happened?

When his parents shut him out of the issue, Draco felt rather annoyed. He wasn't a child anymore- he could handle himself. As Draco muttered the Latin phrase to open the Common Room, he stopped as soon as he managed to step inside. He rushed towards his room and opened his satchel. Father was generous enough to allow Draco his own secrets, so Lucius gave his son a journal, which only Draco had the access to.

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