Chapter 26: Resisting temptation

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Ezra had came home to a bright house, full of laughter. When he knocked, Alice ushered him in and in the drawing room, he saw his son sprawled on the floor, giggling and pointing at Stacie, who had smudges of what seemed to be ice cream on her face. She seemed to be annoyed by the incessant laugh of Hunter that she pouted and whined at Alice to make Hunter stop.

"Hush now. That's enough, Stacie," she chided the girl gently. Hunter beamed up as he saw him approach and the boy stood, pulled the bag of oxygen and kissed him on the cheek.

"Welcome home, Dad. Any nice things that happened today?"

Ezra snorted, "If by nice things happening you meant hormonal, reckless teenagers running down the hallway and throwing gum at each other's hair, then yes, they happened."

Hunter giggled, "Same as always, I assume. How was school?" Ezra groaned, "Same as always. Reckless teenagers running around." Hunter pushed his father's wheelchair to his room and took his father's things into the room.

"Ah yes. Before I forget, Jesse and the Cohen boy will be coming for dinner. Also a student of mine called Gerard Green will be coming over. They wanted to see you." Said Ezra

Hunter beamed happily at the mention of Jesse and Andrew. They haven't met since the accident. He missed them a lot.

"Really? I can't wait. Wait! Why is your student coming to see me?" Exclaimed Alec

Ezra sigh, "He said he wanted to see and be your friend. I thought you would like another friend besides Jesse and Cohen."

Hunter nodded. But then grinned teasingly at his dad, "You have favouritism. This Gerard Green's supposed to be something special, for you to open up your home to him like that."

Ezra smacked the back of son's head playfully, "Do not accuse me of something so trivial, my beloved son."

Hunter laughed, "My dear Dad, you are in denial. I am squealing inside right now. I am dying to meet him!"

Ezra scoffed, "He had some sort of debt on me, if you must know. He owes me because he happened to land on the wrong side of my road."

"Metaphorical, but this makes me more excited, Daddy." The boy kissed his cheek again and gave him a quick squeeze, "See you in ten."

The boy skipped towards the outside, his bag in tow. Ezra eyed the boy and listened to the giggles and laughter outside the room and proceeded to dress himself in a more comfortable but presentable way. Hunter took the liberty to prepare his clothes and Ezra was thankful for that.

As he was finishing dressing himself up, Alice called from the other side of the door.

"Mister Hartford? May I come in, Sir?"

Ezra buttoned the last of his buttons and told the woman to enter.

"What is it, Alice?" He asked.

"Sir," her voice was curt, as if she was taking things slow so as not to overwhelm him, "it's about Hunter."

His head snapped up to the woman and eyed her. Concern and worry was evident on his eyes, "About Hunter? Nothing bad happened while I was away, was there?"

"No," she shook her head, "no. Well, I don't classify it as bad." Her dark brown eyes were averting away from his gaze.

"But it is kind of bad?" Ezra scowled, patience wearing thin, "Just tell me what it is, Alice."

She sighed audibly, "He told me things. Not bad, but depressing things. Sir, I may not be part of this family, but I would like to say that I am just worried. He talks about... Death, sir. He thinks of it. He might be depressed, and that is what I am concerned about."

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