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Your Not Welcomed


(Rashon POV)

Taylor text me and told me she was coming home early.

Great. If she didn't tell me she would have caught me! I put Ema back Into her clothes and layed her in my lap.

Her eyes were full of fear. "Pwease don hurt me." I took her hair out of her face and whispered into her ear.

"Now listen to me Ema and listen clear. If you tell mama about me hurting you, I will hurt you more and I will hurt your mama. You will never see her again. Is that clear?"

she nooded her head shyly.

"And you better not tell her what we do either."

"What if I do dough." I was starting to get pissed. I took her hand and pinched it as hard as I could.

She cried out In pain. "Shh baby. Tell mama that is not an option. If you tell her she will hate you forever and she would never talk to you again."

"Pwese! It hurts!" She started to throw a temper tantrum.

I swayed her in my arms back and forth.

after just a couple if minutes I heard the door slam shut. Taylor must be home. I started to hear footsteps come toward us too. Well more like someone running for their life. I looked down at Ema and she was still crying!

Ugh. In the corner of my eye I was Taylor panting at the foot of the bed.

(Taylor's POV)

I saw Rashon rocking Ema back and forth.

Aw! He was so good with her.

I felt relieved. I really thought something happen to Ema. She hasn't screamed that bad since she had a temperature when she was 4 months and 3 days.

Yes I know the exact date.

I walked over to them and sat next to Rashon.

"Hey Ema. Mamas home." She looked up at me and her eyes lite up. She quickly got out of his grip and ran into my arms. She hugged me so hard I couldn't breath.


"I miss mama lot." "Aw I missed you too baby. How was your day with Rashon?"

She looked down and said "good." She didn't look me in my eye. "We'll you hungry sweetheart?" She nooded her head yes.

She seemed back to herself. Mostly.

I picked her up to bring her to the kitchen. Rashon followed.

I made Ema some more cereal. That was basically all we had.

I told Ema too eat in the living room. I needed to talk you Rashon.

She ran off into the living room.



"I lost my job today. I don't know how I'm going to afford anything anymore! All I have to my name is 54$!" Don't cry Taylor. Don't cry.

"Why! What happen?"

"He said he had to cut some people off due to money!"

"I'm so sorry! He hugged me

"I would love to babysit Ema while you looked for a job if that would help."

i hugged him tighter.

"oh thank you! It means so much! And I promise when I get enough money ill pay you back for all you've done."

"No biggy. Is totally fine. But I have to go now! I have to work."

He kissed me on the lips and went to hug Ema.

She didn't hug back. What is wrong with her!?

"Ema. Rashons going to be watching you more often then he usually does. Is that okay."

She just rolled her eyes and said "ok."



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