Chapter 15

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I looked out the window of the limo as we drove into the city, recalling all of the familiar places I would go as a child.

Seeing all of this again brought up some strange mixes of emotions, reminding me of what I once had.

Master had been quiet most of the ride, just occasionally looking up to see how far away we were.

Even I knew that we were close to the doctor's office.

I went there a lot as a child, but only because I used to be really clumsy.

A sigh left my lips as I thought back to the long sunny days I would spend with my older sister, playing in the park until the sunset. Then we would come Home to moms cooking and then listen to one of dad's many stories.

I quickly turned my head away from the window the moment I felt a lump begin to form in my throat.

Master noticed this, his head turning to me.

I couldn't let myself cry, not after what the pet master did to me the last time I did.

No matter how much I wanted too, I refused to let myself.

I let out a long breath as I leaned my head back against the seat, trying to focus on the humming of the car instead of my own memories.

"You okay?"

I stiffened at the sound of his voice breaking the silence.

"Uh, yea," I replied quickly, clasping my hands near my lap.

He looked at me for a little while longer before turning his head to the window.

He sat up a bit straighter as he did.

"I see it." He said, talking about the Hospital not far ahead.

My stomach turned a bit as he spoke.

Why it only kicked in just now was beyond me, but I was nervous.

Nervous to go back into my hometown and risk someone recognizing me, or me not being able to keep myself together.

I was even too nervous to ask Master if I could stay in his room while he came here.

I was planning on doing it last night before we went to bed, but chickened out last-minute.

I clasped my hands tighter as the limo came to a stop.

Master grabbed my leash in one hand and opened the door with the other.

The both of us stepped into the afternoon sun.

Luckily I didn't spot anyone in the general area.

I followed master as he walked up to the front window and tapped on the glass.

The slave rolled the window down, allowing Master to lean into it and tell the boy something that I didn't quite catch.

I was surprised to see that the limo began moving after Master leaned out of the window.

I guess he gave the slave an errand to run.

With that, we walked towards the entrance.

The familiar ding of the sensor filled the room as we entered into the small waiting room.

I quickly looked around seeing if I recognized anyone. Lucky, there were only a couple people, none of which I recognized.

All of them froze at the sight of a vampire making his way to the front desk, one of them hurrying out of the way as we did so.

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