Chapter 58

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Khloe's POV:

I was jolted awake as Nico suddenly harshly pulled me close to him, followed by him immediately sitting up, his breaths heavy and drawn out.

Which was very shocking, but at the time, I didn't quite process it since I had just woken up and only knew the fact that it was still the middle of the night.

I didn't process that anything was strange until he hastily got out of the bed and into his bathroom.

Something was wrong.

I quickly pushed myself up onto my elbow, looking through the darkness to see if I could figure out what was going on.

I was about to say something but paused as soon as I made out his figure in the bathroom.

He was just staring at himself in the mirror, his hands gripping the marble at the edge of the sink as he continued to breathe heavily.

It was only then that I realized that his breaths were shaking.

I pushed myself up further so that I was sitting up on my knees.

"Nico?" I asked quietly, slowly making my way towards the edge of the bed closest to him.

He didn't budge. I knew he was able to hear me, but he didn't acknowledge it.

"Nico," I said louder, this time snapping him out of whatever thought he was in.

I froze as soon as his glowing eyes met with mine, noticing how his pupils looked like those of a serpent.

I'd be lying if I said that it didn't frighten me.

He just looked at me for a couple seconds, but within those seconds I noticed a look that I had never seen on him.


I didn't even have time to react to that because within a split second, Nico had his arms around me in a very tight embrace.

I could feel his heart racing in his chest as it pressed against mine.

What on earth happened?

Despite my confusion, I slowly crept my arms around him.

I could feel the tension in his body. Whatever happened must have really taken a toll on him.

Still, I stayed quiet and just held onto him, hoping that by doing so would help him like it helped me whenever I was upset

Eventually, Nico let out a long, trembling sigh before he rested his head on my shoulder, calming down ever so slightly.

Yet his grip on me didn't loosen in the slightest, if anything, it got a bit tighter.

I finally spoke once I felt like he had calmed down enough to be able to think clearly.

"Are you ok?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Nico didn't say anything at first, just very reluctantly released his arms from around me and gently grabbed my hands with his own.

His eyes had almost returned to how they normally were, which I guess was a good sign.

He cleared his throat.

"Yeah. I'm fine," He began, not sounding too sure of himself, "It was just a nightmare."

His words caught me by surprise.

I had learned that vampires rarely if ever had dreams let alone nightmares.

"Oh," I paused for a second, noticing how he was absentmindedly rubbing the top of my hands with his thumbs, "Do you want to talk about it?"

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