Chapter 56

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Nico's POV:

I set the phone down, having ordered what I needed for Khloe.

Another one of Khloe's groans sounded as I turned to face her.

She had been like this all morning.

"Geez Khloe, what did you eat last night?"

She barely opened her eyes, peering up at me from her curled up position on the bed.

"Too much," she groaned again, tightening the hold her arms had around her stomach," of everything."

I hummed a response.

That explains it.

Her body hasn't gotten used to that much food in such a short amount of time.

Although I wish she would have been more careful, I couldn't really blame her.

"OK, Well I ordered you something that should help ease the pain a little," I said, making my way back onto the bed.

I laid myself back down next to her, figuring that I could at least hold her while we waited for my order.

She seemed to be already one step ahead of me, hooking her arms under mine and grabbing my shoulders before pressing her head against my chest.

I stayed still for a moment before gently wrapping my arms around her, trying to get her to relax.

Some of the pain should go away if I could get her to relax and focus on something else for a little bit.

Part of me was upset that the morning after an excellent night had to start like this, but I guess that feeling I had last night couldn't last forever.

Little by little, Khloe began to relax in my grasp. Enough to where her grip on me didn't feel like her life depended on it.

"You're really different." She spoke softly, breaking the silence.

My brows furrowed in confusion at her sudden words, not knowing what she could have been thinking of that made her say that.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

She carefully shifted herself back enough to where she could meet my eye.

"I mean, you're just really different now, then how you were when you first bought me."

"Really?" I asked.

I really didn't think that I had really changed much since then.

She let out a quiet laugh, much to my surprise given her current situation.

"Well, I guess you haven't changed since you got me, but you were very different when I first met you in the pet store," She clarified.

I tried to focus more on what she had said instead of on the smile that was now on her face.

"Is that bad?"

She shook her head, "No. Just the things that you said at the pet store made you really off-putting."

I took a moment to respond, trying to think back on what I had said. To be honest I really didn't remember those details of that day.

"Like what?"

She responded with her voice deepened as if it were supposed to be mine, "I like a pet that knows how to scream."

I just stared at her, my eyes round.

I had forgotten that I said that.

Geez no wonder she took so long to warm up to me.

"Well yea, the Pet Master wouldn't get off my ass about why I wanted you out of all the other choices, So I just told him what he wanted to hear," I explained.

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