Part 6

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Ryann POV

Tears ran down my face along with the down pour of cold water. Running my feet across the tile of the shower, I shook slightly as I noticed my light skin turning blue. A pain surged across my chest as I slowly heaved up the remnants of tonight's food. Watching my daughter get proposed to should of been a happy moment, but the chilling word's she had whispered in my ear still echoed throughout my mind. Now sitting in my own vomit, I desperately clung onto the shower curtain, I was afraid. Afraid that I would drown in my own thoughts.

Stepping out of the cold pellets of water that seemed to pound against my skin, I stared into the clear mirror at my reflection. Pitiful, my long neatly pressed hair, now hung sadly in clumps, my lips now chapped drooped into an everlasting frown. Reaching for the red scissors that seemed to draw my in, I snipped slowly at the clumps on top of my head. I refused to look at the mess I had created, the dark hairs that surfaced the beautiful marble floors told me that it was gone.

Oh how I wished I could snip away at the problems I've created like the one atop my head. Grabbing my phone, my cool hand felt against the smoothness of the screen as tears welled up in my eye's. Punching in a number I knew all too well, I yearned to hear her voice.


Cringing at the bitterness in Mystery's tone, my heart dropped as the welled up tears quickly caressed down my face. I wanted to speak, but the fear she put in my heart stopped me from even uttering a word. Quickly pressing the red button, I finally looked into the mirror. My once shoulder length hair, was now chopped off. Running a shaky hand through what was left, I grabbed the box of blonde dye and slowly but surely went to work.

"Yo Ryann..."

Tyheims voice trailed off as he caught a look of my blonde hair. Slowly running his hands through the small wisp of hairs the induced look on his face told me he liked it. Finally noticing the tall woman, or... man standing above us, my eyebrows slowly lifted at his mucular physique, bright pink wig, and makeup that he had caked onto his face.

"Give me a minute."

Watching as he eye'd Tyheim in disgust, I was merely confused.

"Ryann we're broke."

Eyeing the diamond Rolex on his wrist, a laugh escaped my lips. My smile instantly vanished once I realized he was serious.

"I need you to go on the block for me."

Watching his face, I waited for any display of emotion, but they never came. The block-

"You want me to go suck dick for money."

Releasing his hand, my skin crawled in disgust as the seriousness set in.

"No baby...not just any dick, look these men pay thousands, your special babe you won't be a street hoe!"

Watching him sputter in excitement I slowly fondled with the diamond encrusted Rolex on my wrist. Life was good right now, really good, Tyheim let me spend his money recklessly. The thought of me being the one that brought the bread to the table excited me, looking up at him under dark eyelashes. I lifted an eyebrow curiously, like I said before I would do anything for my man.

Tyheim POV

"Ty why you leading that baby on like that, lord knows I ain't that damn stupid!"

Snickering as Mason snapped his neck with attitude, I realized I had Ryann wrapped around my pinky finger. Leaning back into the leather seat, I marveled proudly at the beautiful interior of my BMW. Broke, I could never be, and Ryann she was a beautiful women, curvy body and titties and an ass that any women her age would beg for. The thought of all the money she could make me had me drooling.

"Look shut the fuck up, I said this was for us right?"

Lifting up a heavily lined eyebrow the greed shone brightly in his eye's. Running my tounge against the surface of my white teeth, I awaited my signal as I eyed the luxury hotel Marcus had booked. Spotting the flashing lights, I stepped down from my truck slowly, grabbing the briefcase which rested closely by my side. Taking a brief look at Marcus's happy demeanor, I rolled my eye's as the urge to pull out the heavy metal that sat on my hip. He was a snake, when half of my money disappeared from the investments he was suddenly no where to be found.

"You got my money?"

I deepened my voice and hardened my physique as I demanded the three million dollars. Handing me the cold metal box, I smiled at the weight of it, trading him for all the information he needed.

"This better stay between us, old man."

Leaving a sudden chill in the brisk air between us, he reluctantly nodded his head. The cold piece of metal on my hip, throbbed then, even more than before. Begging me to pull the silent trigger.

Turning away sharply I fought away the urges.

"So how'd it go?"

As I stepped into the truck I stared deeply into Mason's face.

"Better than the tacky ass wig on your head."

Sucking his teeth, he smiled slyly. The same smile that got me caught up.

"You know you like it though!"

Lifting an eyebrow curiously, I slightly leaned in for a kiss from the love of my life.

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