Part 17

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Mystery POV

As my eye's fluttered open, I squinted while the planes interior lights were suddenly shoved into my face. Damn, yawning as I averted my eye's from the lights, I quickly woke up and rubbed any traces of sleep out of my eye's. Sighing quietly, I rolled my eye's as I realized that I was still on this cold, empty plane. Crossing my arms, I laid back into the cushioned seat with a loud thud. It was obvious that I was annoyed, I mean, I loved being around Jerome but he was more engrossed in his labtop then he was any simple conversation I had for him.

"Well look who's up, I'm guessing all that shrimp and lobster did exactly what I wanted it to huh?"

Rolling my eye's playfully, I refused to play buddy with him after he had left me to converse with my own thoughts, you see Jerome made sure our private plane had unlimited shrimp, lobster, and my favorite drink, strawberry tequilas. All this food kept me busy for about an hour out of our 3 hour plane ride, he knew that while diamonds may be my 'bestfriend', that bitch came no where close to my homegirl food!

"Mhmm, what did it do Jerome?"

Crossing my arms, I faked mad and rolled my eyes. As I acted like I had no intrest in what he had to say, I watched him quietly out of the corner of my eye.

"Oh darling it gave you the itis, I mean damn I knew the food was good but I was hoping to put you to sleep with this dick babe."

Ignoring his sarcastic ass, I pulled off my heavy PINK sweater and yawned slightly. Avoiding his pestering stare, I rolled my eye's as he stood closer to me, his tall frame toward over me, and he eyed the small gray crop top I had on.

"When are we landing lover boy?"

Slowly stopping himself from tracing my body with his eyes, Jerome licked his plush lips, and rubbed his large hands together. Running those same hands across the plush white seat next to me, he took a seat and ran his thumb across my lips.

"In about 10 minute's baby."

Sighing deeply, the anticipation ate at me as a beautiful blue sky with slight white clouds rolled past me.

"Why Jamaica?"

It had never occurred to me that Jerome had oddly pick Jamaica over all the other islands. Looking over a Jerome, I watched him watch me as I awaited an answer.


Resting my elbow onto arm of my seat, I placed my thumb underneath my chin and quietly rubbed my index finger along the border of my lip thoughtfully.

"I picked it, because... it came to mind when I said your name. Mystery. This island is so little, but has so much to offer, so much food, so much culture. And I have never been here before, so it was all a mystery to me baby."

Lifting an eyebrow I smirked as his hazel eye's danced in enlightenment.

"You're such an ass kisser."

Reaching across my restless body for the gray seatbelt, I quickly put it on and watched as Jerome snickered quietly under his breath.

"Only for you babe, only for-"

Looking down at his lap where his phone laid, I turned away instantly annoyed, but shit I knew it was his job calling and I couldn't complain about money.

"I gotta take this babe."

Seeing the scowl on my face he planted a wet kiss onto my neck, he quickly answered and plopped back into his seat across from mine.

Tyheim POV

"You sold her fucking body?"

The excitement on Travis' face quickly drained as he realized I was not happy.

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