I invited him

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“Time to get up!”  Hayden’s voice carried in my room.  I opened my eyes, and he was kneeling on my bed, smiling from ear to ear.  I force myself to sit up, and rub the sleep from my eyes.  “What the hell?” I ask, glancing at the clock on my beside table.  “It’s Saturday, and you’re waking me up at nine.  This better be good.” I mumbled, and fell back on the pillow.  I took a glance at Aaron, who was lying on his belly.  He had his arms crossed under his face, resting halfway on the pillow.

Hayden stood, and threw up his arms.  “Well first, we have an appointment to go look at this apartment in the European Village.  And second, you know what happens when mom and dad aren’t home.”

I do, and I dread it every times.

                Hayden left the room, and I just stared at the ceiling.  “Aaron,” I turned over, and pushed his shoulder.  I shook him until he woke up.  It took quite awhile, him being a heavy sleeper.  He finally woke, turning over on his back with a long sigh.  “It’s too early for this” he groaned, turning on his side away from me.  I threw an arm over his waist, and rested my chin in the crook of his neck.  “You need to get up.  We have to leave soon.”

He shook his head.

I turned my head in, and opened my mouth a little.  I closed in slowly, biting his neck.

He chuckled, “You know that’s a turn on.”

I removed my mouth, and gave him a light shove.  “Get up.”  I kissed his cheek, and got out of the bed.  I walked to my dresser, pulling out clean clothes.  I took a look at Aaron before leaving the room to get ready.  He was still sleeping.

After I showered, I straitened my hair, and put it into a loose braid to the side.  I put on a light layer of makeup, and walked out of the bathroom.  As I passed by Hayden’s room, I heard Lea’s giggle.  The door was cracked, so I entered myself.  “I’m not going to lie, this is still weird.” I leaned against the wall, and crossed my arms over my chest.  Hayden had his arm wrapped around her waist, and her head rested on Hayden’s chest. 

They both looked at me, Lea still smiling.  “And you and Aaron aren’t weird?” Hayden said, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head, “It’s going to take some getting used to.”

Hayden shook his head, sneaking a kiss on Lea’s cheek.  “Speaking of Aaron, where is he?”

                “He never got up?”

Hayden shook his head slowly.  I groaned, walking out of the room.

                I walked into my room, and Aaron was still sleeping in the same position I left him in.  I walked over to where he was laying, and I pinched his shoulder.  “Ow!” he yelled, turning over to his other side.  “Get up!  We are leaving in five minutes.”

I pulled the blanket off of him, revealing him only in his boxers.  I at least put a t-shirt on last night.  He finally got up, dragging himself into the bathroom.  He gave me a funny face before he disappeared around the corner.

I was sitting in the living room with Hayden and Lea, waiting for Aaron’s appearance.  I’m pretty sure he’s out of the shower by now, the water shut off a few minutes ago.  “So,” Hayden started.  “Why are your and Aaron’s clothes by the pool?” he smirked.

I stared blankly at him.  “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist.” I remarked.

Lea was holding back laughter.  “Well, it looks like you two made up.”

I nodded, and just then Aaron came trudging down stairs.  He was mumbling about something. 

                He stopped in the middle of the living room, and gestured towards the door.  “Let’s go.  I need my beauty sleep.”  He pulled his hood over his head, and followed Hayden and Lea out the front door.  I locked the door behind me, and caught up to them as they were getting into the car.  I jumped in the backseat with Aaron, and closed the door as Hayden started the car.

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