17 Castle

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Elijah reading is my aesthetic. The song is called There for you by Flyleaf.

"Checkmate." I move my Queen into place. Camille's​ jaw drops. I smile smugly, then lean back and take a sip of my fruity vodka.

"We are what? Barely five moves in?" She protests feebly. I shrug.

"You can't beat the Queen." I gesture to the White Queen that stood on the marble board, a space away from her black King. She looks up, amusement on her face, though her voice was loud and shocked.

"How can you beat me so innocently!" She grabs the bottle of vodka on the table and pours herself a drink. "That sweet kind look, though you did just destroy me, again." Camille may have a disgruntled tone but underneath you could hear her laughter. It even reached her eyes.

"You're anticipating Cami. I see what move you're going to make before you make it. And I have a handful of moves waiting." I explain like it's the easiest thing in the world. Elijah glanced up form his book, rather amused. He was clearly here to babysit me. In case I tap into the darkness or whatever. "If you can't play Castle right, don't play it at all."

"It's not like I got any real practice. You're three steps ahead of me, being an actual Queen and all." Camille jokes, sipping her drink like it was juice instead of alcohol

"Not anymore." I grin, looking around the study. "Europe is on it's own."

"Technically your still the Queen. The law says a new Queen cannot be appointed until the last one is dead. And here you are." Elijah informs me, not looking up from his book. Before I reply he looks up, furrowed eyebrows. "I think the star is a victim's mark." He lays the book on the coffee table and turns it towards me. I pull the book over. Seeing it was open to a page with scripture on The Mark of Cain. There was a drawing of the sword made of bone and the mark that was on my arm. Beside it, were the stars. "Each person who the marked kills, leaves a star behind. The more victims, the more stars." He explains.

"Hm." I reply, hardly interested. "Does it say anything about the darkest parts of myself? Or is this the book of the irrelevant?"

"It's not irrelevant." Elijah snatches it back from me. I smile at his discontent at my clearly placid tone. "It's ancient. It says you inherit the power from those you kill by the sword." He looks up at me. I raise an eyebrow.

"So what? I have the power of a witch? That's the only person I've killed." I confess, then glance at Cami who looked curiously at the board game. "Yet." At that she looks up. "I knew you were listening. You're transparent." Camille rolls her light eyes.

"I'm not sure how it works. That's all it says, but the power you obtain makes you stronger each time you kill, that's why it's been so hard to get rid of the marked."

"Well I'm not Hitler." I grab Camille's phone from the table. She hardly noticed. I float through her contacts, boredly. I smile when I find the one I was looking for, then send a text, signed 'Merida, Queen of Scots'.

"You're a vampire. You'll end up killing someone one way or another." Elijah responds, not looking up from his book.

"Probably. Queen Mary is first on my list." I look towards the doorway as Freya stood there. "Hello Mikaelson who hates me." I greet, and she only looks at me like I mattered less than dirt.

"The spell on your rooms been lifted." She says. I groan. Thank God. "Everyone is back now so we have plenty of eyes to keep on you." She adds as I stand up, strutting past the tall pretty witch.

Suddenly, as I enter the hall, there's a thump, followed with a scream. A little girls scream. My eyes go wide and immediately I'm downstairs, flashing to Hope. I pull her inside the gates, seeing with a sickening feeling in my gut that a body, without it's head, was there. Just outside the gates. I bend down to eye level with Hope, who was crying.

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