27 Cabinets

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The gif is Klaus my baby. Song is Willow by Jasmine Thompson. This chapter is cliche lmao I'm sorry.

It was one pm once I finished unpacking, talking to Francis and making sure the sword was downstairs with Cain. I figured if he was in there, and cloaked, then the sword would be too. Elijah said it would be, so I listened to the good brother and now it was my job to find the reckless one.

I set up a meeting with Arthur already, planning to give him something a bit meaner than a slap on the wrist. He didn't tell me about the coven on London. Sure, I have people correcting the issue now, but I didn't know until Louis told me. I should've known about it before I made it to Italy.

Either way, with Zetrov and Cain in our basement, and Francis back and actually talking to me, it's been busy. So everyone in the compound disperses into activities. I pull on a jacket, wincing when my shoulder twists and then throwing on a scarf too, as it was raining and cold outside. It would be Halloween soon, in fact. The only American holiday I looked forward too.

I got to bite into anyone's necks that day. Well, so I hoped? Marcel may not stand for that, though, especially now that I'm being closely watched by the witches in this town.

I'm not asked where I'm off to when I leave the compound. Hayley might've told them I've been assigned babysitter, might've not mentioned it, but it was easy to find my way happily bundled up in my scarf and soaking in the jazz music and city air that was full of noise and life. It was the middle of the day, and though it was a Monday, everyone was outside, and it was October.

Pumpkins were being carves in the streets, some were lit. Fall-colored leaves, both real and fake, decorated the streets. The lamp posts had decorations hung on them. In this city, if you weren't celebrating Halloween or thanksgiving, you were celebrating Samhain, and preparing for Yule Tide. Witches were no doubt connecting in these times, celebrating and awaiting the arrival of their ancestors. The veil is supposed to drop, or so it's said. Never does it usually drop, unless someone dabbles in that magic.

I shake out my red curls that matched with the decorations. It went with the orange, matched the red, complimented the yellow. Perhaps someone might describe me as walking out of a Halloween Magazine. I enter Rousseau's, the bell ringing out as I do. Niklaus wasn't there, I conclude in one sweep of my pretty icy eyes. Instead they land on Camille, who waved me over when she saw me with a smile. She didn't seem heartbroken.

"You're back!" She celebrates, pouring me a shot and sliding it over to me as I sit, pulling my scarf off. The restaurant was also decorated. Splashes of orange and red everywhere. "So, how was Italy?" Camille leans over the bar, and I down the shot, feeling the burn all the way down my throat. Perhaps it would distract me from the pain in my shoulder. Cami acted like that best friend you left for the summer and then returned to. Staying up late and having a sleepover to celebrate your return. Like it was war.

"Painful." I answer, pulling my collar down slightly, showing stitches and she gapes.

"Ow. You need another one of these, on the house." The blonde bartender holds up the bottle and then refills my shot glass. I thank her, laughing slightly. "Why are you day drinking?" She asks, and I figured she was bored. There were few people in the restaurant and the ones that were, weren't sitting at the bar.

"I'm not." I finish the shot, look up at her light eyes. "I'm looking for Klaus." I watch her react and I was disappointed. There was no flash of anger, or pain. There was just approval. She didn't seem to care. "Hayley said you got into an argument with him?" I pry, and she looks at me, raising an eyebrow and grinning.

"Are you trying to head shrink me?" She asks teasingly. I sigh, scratching my cheek. The same cheek I always scratched. The one where a scar once lain, before I was turned into a vampire.

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