38 This is War

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Panic! At the Disco- Emperor's new clothes. Not my image but I liked it in the spirit of Halloween and all :)

Sebastian's POV

Alexander: Your sister just tripped "Turkey" The Armory is moving now

The message makes my eyes widen slightly. The word was used for a variety of things. None of them good. Rarely did The League get that word in a message. I was sure the last time the code word was sent by my sister's hand, it was in writing. Rode on horseback to deliver it.

Francis immediately frowns when my small change of facial expression comes about. He knew me as the professional older brother. Therefore, even the smallest change in my posture is significant.

I drop the Mug in the sink, and briskly walk towards the front door, pulling my coat off the hook and over my button up as swift as a fly. "What's going on?" Simon asks, nosy as ever.

Francis looks from the Italian to me, waiting patiently.

"Alex has alerted me that 'Turkey' Has been tripped." I announce simply, without much emotion except concern. Not for my half sister. Merida could very much handle herself. As much as I've planned and protected and kept tabs on her moves since we've arrived in the States, I was confident that she'd come out the over side dripping with her enemies blood with a dark smile on her face.

As always.

Though, Francis didn't share my confidence because Immediately he pulls a shirt over his head, his blonde curls still wet from a shower. "Merida is in trouble." He replies, panic slowly meeting his words.

"Merida is in trouble." Simon repeats slowly, the corners of his mouth twitching in amusement that neither of the brothers paid attention to. Simon always did have a strange taste of humor.

"The League has activated the standby Armory." I add, meeting the frantic blue eyes of my little and only brother.

"We have to... We have to save her." Francis says, pulling on his shoes, and fixing his jeans over them. I take a breath, shaking my head.

"Talk to Klaus. Or Marcel. They know this city better than we can." I order. Francis jumps to his feet.

"No! We have-"

"France." I cut him off, my deathly calm voice and mannerisms the only thing keeping him sane. Of all of us, he and Merida had been the closest. I was happy to see the problem of our mother's death did not change that after all. "Merida will be fine. A thousand years and she hasn't died. Now, talk to Marcel. It's Halloween. Hundreds of innocents will be caught in the crossfire between The League and Zetrov if we don't control the situation." I set a hand on his shoulder. "Can you do this?"

Hesitantly, he nods. "And you?"

"I'm going to find Cain's Sword. It's a threat to Merida, and if Zetrov gets their hands on it, she's as good as dead." I clarify, taking a deep breath. As soon as he approves of my next action, Francis is darting out the door at top speeds.

"I'll come with you." Simon offers, standing up and putting his plate aside. Half eaten bagel on it. I look him up and down. Despite his carefree attitude and failure at being serious, if just for one minute, he's still stronger than most of the vampires we'll come across today.

He'd be a useful couple hands, so I nod soundlessly. "Let's go."


Merida's POV

I stagger onto the street, pulling myself to my feet, clenching my jaw when the multiple holes in my tights become apparent. "Zetrov owes me all kinds of refunds." I grind out between my teeth, my fangs puncturing my lip. The whites of my eyes glimmered red, and the contrast made my pale bright blue eyes seem to glow.

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