Chapter Thirty: Luxurie Eclipse

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I clutch the map in my hands tightly.

In front of me is a very luxurious restaurant. The restaurant is called Luxurie Eclipse. Just from the exterior, I could tell how luxurious it is as the name suggests. It has large windows, and from here I could see the interior of the restaurant. It has dark violet walls with lots of gold lamps lining it. It also has paintings that seemed very expensive as well as the dark marble floors which contrasts to the sparkling white tables and chairs.

I smirk. What a great place to hide the bookstore.

Without any delay, I went inside. The butler waiting by the door immediately held up his hands to stop me from continuing inside.

"Excuse me, but only those who have reservations can only enter." He said as he look at me in disdain.

I scowled.

"I just need to look at something." I said but the butler immediately held his arms to block me.

"No. Do you want me to call the guards?"

I frown before deciding to turn around and leave to think of a solution. I couldn't teleport because it'll alarm the security system that there's an intruder. Also, I couldn't get inside without any reservations. I could afford it in an another time but I like to get in that restaurant now.

While looking dazedly at the scenery outside, a maid entered my sight. She ran to my direction and bumped into me. Because of the impact, both of us fell down. She immediately scrambled to stand up without even bothering giving me a glance.

My mood only worsen as I stood up and was about to kick the damn glass door due to my anger. But what the maid suddenly said stopped me.

"I'm sorry but master and miss of the Valiant Household can't come. They told me to cancel their reservation of the table tonight and move it next week."

The butler, who seemed to have a change of personality, nodded as he wrote down furiously on the notebook he is carrying.

"Please tell your master and miss that we'll gladly move their reservation." said the butler with a smile.

The maid nodded as she scurried away.

I gave the butler a hateful glare. The attitude he gave me before is really different from the maid earlier.

But the conversation seemed interesting. I then thought of an idea.

"That reservation, huh? Sure is a waste. Say, why don't you give the table to me?" I asked sweetly.

"You?" The butler laughed, "Can you even afford it?"

"How much?"

"It's twenty five thousand amethyst for that table."

I frown, "That much?"

It's not that I can't afford the price. I was just shocked on how much a reservation for the table can reach this high. This is robbery!

"Surprised? It's that expensive because it's on the second floor, the VIP floor." The butler said with a mocking smile, "Are you leaving or what?"

I sighed helplessly. "Here." With that said, I tossed him my ID which he skillfully caught.

His disdainful eyes was suddenly replaced by shock. He pointed at my ID in horror.

"Two... two hundred thousand amethyst?! And you're just a student! Most noble students only have fifty thousand amethyst!"

Right now, i'm the one giving a smug look, "Surprised?"

The butler face paled as he immediately rang the small bell which called a waiter and a waitress.

As the butler hurriedly swiped my ID on a glass he then gave instructions to the two, "Bring... bring our special customer to the second floor, table ten." He said as he gave my ID back and pushed me inside.

The waiter and waitress looked shocked, "But sir, are you sure-

"No buts! Just ignore her weird clothing and bring her to the VIP floor. She already paid for the reservation." The butler said angrily.

Scared, both the waitress and waiter nodded as they lead me the way.

"Right this way young miss." The waitress said politely while the waiter didn't even bothered giving me a glance. Another one, huh.

As I follow the two, most of the nobles attention are on me. Well, I am in a luxurious place where most of the people here are either wearing fancy gowns or expensive black suits. And then there's me, who is sticking out like a sore thumb just for wearing normal clothing.

I sighed as I walk up the grand, golden-colored, wih red carpet staircase. After that, the two led me to a private room. In the VIP floor, they eat inside private rooms unlike downstairs where they eat in the open like a normal restaurant.

The room I am in has a long table and it's seemed to be made by fine wood. The two chairs are covered in fur that looked very welcoming and comfortable. It has a scented candle in the middle and a small chandelier hanging on the ceiling. The walls are color red with intricate golden designs.

But in my opinion, the breathtaking view that the room gives looked really beautiful than all of the things here. Because it has a large window, I can see from here the academy high atop the hill, and the town shining with its colorful lights.

Hm, it seems that the reservation is worth it.

The waiter then turn to leave as the waitress decided to stay. She handed me the menu.

I skim through all of the food and beverages. After a while, I finally found the words I was looking for.

So they did put it in the menu.

"What would you like young miss?"

"Hm, I would like the spicy shrimp, salad, lamb stew, and a slice of strawberry shortcake, please."

The waitress wrote my order, "Then what about your beverage young miss?"

"Uhm, do you have the vinum iunae lumen?" I ask while containing my smirk.

I can clearly see how the waitress stiffen.

Vinum iumae lumen, is the latin translation of moonlight wine. It's written in the beverage section although its weird name seperated it from all the beverages and most people would just assume it as a quote or something.

I would've thought it too if it weren't for Forest advising me to order that. It's a secret code in order for me to enter the bookstore.

"Wait here!" The waitress said as she dash outside the room.

I slumped on the chair covered in fine fur as I look at the amazing view outside.

After a while, I finally heard the sound of running footsteps. The door opened abruptly revealing the waitress and a lady.

The lady with dark violet hair and fiery red eyes gestured me to stand up.

"Follow me."

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