Chapter Thirty-Three: More Clues

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'Cohtet Cunwic is pregnant?!'

I shook my head as I scan through the book to find any more clues about my guess. The picture earlier was taken when Cohtet was twenty-three years old. As I look at the picture a few months after, I definitely saw how in the picture, Cohtet stomach was getting bigger. Although it wouldn't be easy to detect because of the baggy clothes she wears, but if you look at it closely, you'll realize that it is getting bigger.

I slumped back in my chair as I look at the picture where Cohtet is already twenty-four years old. If my guesses are correct, then at this time the child is already born.

In the picture, Cohtet and her grandma stood in front of the staircase. But, at the far corner of the picture, there seemed to be a blurry image. And if you look at it more closely, it looks like a... crib!

I gasped as I search for more pictures.

Although there hadn't been a glimpse of the baby, there seemed to be signs of baby materials that are found in most of the pictures. The crib, a baby bottle, toys, etc.

I turned for the last page, expecting a picture that would give me another clue, but contrast to my expection, the last page was blank.

I frowned, 'it looks like i've reached the end of the book.'

As I was about to close the book, words suddenly appeared. The words were, 'Family picture.'

My heart skipped a beat as I open the book again. Slowly, very slowly, as if it was being painted, a picture was forming onto the blank page.

My eyes widen as I patiently waited for the image to complete. After a whole minute, the image I was waiting for appeared.

The picture looked like the very last one taken before Cohtet's death. In it, is the picture of Cohtet and Felix standing side by side, Cohtet's grandma is in the sidelines smiling, while on top of Felix shoulders is a small, little girl!

My heart started pounding. I held the book to my face and look at it closely. The little girl looked to be around one or two years old. She was wearing a beret that covered her hair. Her eyes are color blue just like her mother. The girl really looked like a mix of Cohtet and Felix.

And no doubt about it, Cohtet and Felix did have a child.

'But why do I have this feeling of familiarity? As if i've seen the child before?'

I shook my head. Now's not the time for that.

I stood up excitedly which made the chair fell back. I held the book as I ran towards Celena to show her what I discovered. I saw her sitting on the sofa, drinking tea.

"Hey Celena!" I shouted which made her turn around.

"Oh, done already? I was about to fetch you because-

I didn't let her finish her statement because I immediately continued, "Never mind that," I said, "Listen, looked at what i've discovered!"

I said as I held up the book for her to watch.

Celena's smile stiffened before suddenly bursting out laughing.

My forehead creased, "What are you laughing for?"

"What, 'discovered'?! You're only showing me a blank page!"

"What?!" I asked as I look at the page. Just like what she said, the picture disappeared.

I scanned through the book only to find more blank pages. What happened to the pictures?! It looked like the pictures I saw earlier are just my imagination!

"Right, I was about to tell you that Forest told me to remind you that you should be back before the designated curfew time. She was worried because there's only thirty minutes left for you to reach KU."

Celena stood up from the sofa before walking pass me. After I saw her went through a door to her office, I was then left alone, again.

And after a few seconds of alone time, the book in my hands shone as the blank pages started filling with pictures from earlier.

My eyes widen. The book...?

To confirm my suspicions, I went to Ralph who is reading a book. Just what I expected, the pictures disappeared, again!

Ralph apparantly saw me because he looked up and smiled at me,

"Hey! Finish reading?"

I nodded, "Yup. And uhm, how much for this book?"

Ralph chuckled, "Don't worry, it's free. Miss told me earlier to give you that book for free as long as you'll solve the nystery."

I frown.

He started laughing, "No pressure. Even if you didn't solved the mystery, it's still yours anyway."

"But it would be nice if you finally avenged Miss Cohtet's death. Then Celena-sama will be happy if she heard this."

"Celena will be happy?"

"Celena-sama, back when she was little, she idolized Miss Cohtet because of her achievements. And after hearing her heroine's death, Celena became sad. And she was even more sad after learning no one was able to avenge Miss Cohtet's death."

"How do you know this?" I asked suspiciously. This seemed to be some private information he's leaking.

"Don't look at me like that, i'm not what you think. I know this because I was Celena's personal butler and childhood friend."

Out of the blue, he suddenly held out his hand in front of me

"Ah! Sorry for being rude but I just realized that I haven't introduced myself properly yet. My name's Raphael Nylx. Some people just call me Ralph for short."

I accepted it and introduced myself also, "Amber Trinity Scarlette."

"Oh right, I thought you were leaving already? Not being rude but I think it's already seven o' clock."

"Wha-" I paused when I felt the ID in my pocket buzzed.

My eyes widen, "The curfew!" I shouted as I ran to the door where the floating sphere is located. The walls in the bookstore are designed to cancel anyone from teleporting out of here, so the only way to get out is the sphere.

I waited frantically for the door to open when I feel the buzzing getting more louder.

I ran outside immediately and stumbled clumsily in the dark basement. I teleported to the first floor of the restaurant. Just like the walls in the library, I couldn't just teleport outside the restaurant so I ran to the main door.

I saw the butler by the door paled and immediately step back, making a way for me to exit. When I was finally out the restaurant, I was about to teleport when a shadow suddenly flew past me.

I stopped. The shadow stopped and it towered over me.

"Give me the book." It said menacingly.

I stiffened as I hug the book closer to my chest. I conjured a whirlwind to distract him, taking that chance to teleport away when a familiar pink barrier surrounded the both of us. This time, the barrier is much larger.

I haven't even investigated properly yet and someone is already here to kill me. Looks like someone's monitoring my movements.

The shadow stopped floating. From a clear view, the shadow looked more like a cloaked person now.

"Give it." It or more like, he said again.

I frown as I made the book invisible. Looks like trouble has arrived.

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