Chapter 19: Happiness is simple

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2 Springs come and go. I found myself enjoying my new life. Surrounded by good people and caring family, I realized that happiness is simple. No one schemes, no one hates, and no one pretends. Everyone laughs, everyone work hard, and everyone respects life. This was the childhood I wanted to grow up and was able to finally live it.


In the wide open field, I was holding onto Yun's rein as he speed through. On my back was my bow and arrows. My laughter and Yun happy neighs echoed through the valley. When I saw the small hill cliff up ahead I lowered my upper body down closer to Yun. I couldn't contain my excitement as Yun ran faster and faster.

"Yun fly!"

When Yun reached the end, he jumped high into the sky. Laughing happily, I lifted both hands into the sky, screaming the joy of freedom to the top of my lungs. I felt like a bird in the sky. Eyes closed, I enjoyed the clean cool morning air. Yun gave an amused neigh when he easily landed on his legs and continued to run through the valley. When I opened my eyes, I saw in the sky up ahead many black falcons hovering in circles. Sensing death, I urged Yun to run toward the falcons while I took my bow and an arrow. I aimed the arrow to the sky and shot at the falcon, forcing the hunting birds to fly away. When one of the falcons angrily flew at me, I calmly drew another arrow. Yun was still speeding forward as I release the arrow and shot the falcon from the sky. With one dead, the rest fearfully flew away. Putting my bow back over my shoulder, I held onto Yun's rein guiding him to a complete stop.

I wasn't surprise to see a dead fox; but the small baby fox crying against its mother did amazed me. I understood why the falcons hadn't flown down for the dead fox - because the child was defending the mother's body. From the looks of it, the falcons were waiting until the little fox is weaken before they attack. Keeping my distance, I crouch down, fold my arms around my knees to observe the lovely small fox. It touched me deeply to see the fox weeping for its dead mother. When it finally lifted his dead to look at me, it actually growled, warning me even though I was already at a distant. Yun, of course, would not allow anyone or anything threaten me, so he gave a sharp neigh while stomping hooves. The small fox immediately buried his head against his mother body, clearly frightened.

"Yun" I said softly. "Don't bully the child"

Yun snorted before calming down. I giggled softly and shook my head at the prideful horse. Even though Yun is blind, I knew he could tell I was amused with him.

"You should go little one" I turned my attention back to the fox. "Or you'll end up just like your mother"

As if the fox understood me, it lifted his head to look at me.

"Do your best to live on your own..."

The fox turned his head back to his mother and rubbed his head against its mother before it finally run off into the nearby forest. Seeing the fox running off, I let out a breath of relief. Turning my attention to the dead fox before me, I could see the arrow that killed it. Stand up, I went closer to it and tilted my head to the side to study the intricate engraved patterns at the end of the arrow. The pattern design resembled a tiger. The arrow was from a noble - that much I knew. In addition to intricate design, the arrow was made of solid silver.

Just as my fingers was about to touch the arrow, Yun sudden sharp neighing broke my trance. Yun was warning me that something or someone was nearby. I stood up straight and stared at the forest ahead. I stood there, staring at the forest for a long time, sensing someone was looking straight at me. There were many tall trees creating darkness and shadows. Even though I couldn't see anything, like Yun, I sense something or someone. If it was a person, why does no one come out? While I was debating on entering the forest, someone called for me.

"Young miss!!!"

Turning, I saw one of my grandfather guards riding a dark brown horse. I went to Yun and waited until the guard reached me.

"I finally found you young miss" He said with a relief sigh. "Master is asking for miss"


"Yes, master wants young miss to join him for the afternoon meal"

Hearing this, I got back on Yun.

"Let's go back Yun" I said gently to the horse. "Your meal waits"

I laughed as Yun speed off at the thought of food. When I turned back to the forest, my smile drops as I saw a flash in the forest. Someone was there. Frowning, I wonder why that person didn't appear. But then again, it's probably best if he hadn't. I never like to deal with stranger and I didn't want to get in the way of anyone hunting spoils.

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