Chapter 1: Mate*

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Nolan on the side and Emery in the external link =) hope you enjoy 

I squinted my eyes open as I tried to see through the bright morning sunlight. I looked over to my right to see my date, well... more like my booty call from last night still in my bed. I sighed as I nudged her roughly, waking her up. “Hey you gotta go. Get dressed.” I said coldly before I climbed out of the bed. 

I went into my bathroom and relieved myself. I brushed my teeth before taking a quick shower.

When I was finished I slung a towel on my waist then walked back into my bedroom. To my dismay booty call girl was still there. She was stood beside my dresser as she l looked through some of my things.

“What the hell are you doing?!” 

She jumped sligthly, dropping the object in her hand. “Uh... sorry, I was just looking at your stuff.” 

“Don’t.” I said walking over to her. I picked up the object that she dropped and sat it back down onto my dresser. “I thought I told you that you had to go?” 

“You did, but I just wanted to talk to you.” 

“Well I don’t want to talk soooo…” I lead her over to my balcony. I opened up the doors and pushed her out. 

“Wait,” she said.

“What?” I said annoyed. 

“Call me, so we can do this again some time.” She winked. I had to stop myself from laughing in her face. Yeah right, like I would ever call her again!

“Yeah sure, scurry along now.” I quickly shut the doors in her face and pulled the curtains closed. I huffed, girls were so pathetic. 

I walked over to my closet and looked through it. I decided on a pair of jeans and a plain black shirt. I grabbed some sunglasses and my phone. Before walking out I stopped in front of my mirror and ran my fingers through my hair a few times, ruffling it up. 

I ran out of my room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

“Morning son.” my dad greeted me.


“Oh, Nolan honey! I made your favorite. Chocolate chip pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, and toast. C’mon, sit down and eat.” my mother said cheerfully, pointing to the table. 

“No thanks mom. I want to get to school early so that I can have extra time to get to see my classes and prepare and stuff.” I grabbed a pancake and a piece of toast and shoved them into my mouth. “Later.” I yelled. 

I grabbed my car keys and ran out the door before they had a chance to say anything. They knew that I wasn’t going to school early for any of that stuff. I wanted to meet up with my boys so that we could scope out all the new hot girls.It was the first day of school, and it had become a tradition for us. I put on my sunglasses, turned on my music, and rolled down the windows before pulling off. 

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