Chapter 10: Stupid Hoe*

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We pulled up outside of Fells in less than 10 minutes. Nolan, Jordan and I got out if the car and walked over to the entrance where we saw Zack and Zayn standing. “Bro!” Nolan yelled as we approached them. 

“Hey man, what’s u… whoa whoa whoa… who are these lovely ladies right here?” Zack said. “Emery?” he pointed to me. 

“Yup.” I smiled. 

“Dammmnnn! You look fucken hot!” he said, looking me up and down. 

“Thanks.” I laughed. I heard a low growl come from Nolan as he glared at me. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised. Rule # 4 no flirting he mouthed to me. I rolled my eyes at him. So it was okay for him to be all touchy feely with Jordan but I couldn’t even accept a comment from his friend. 

“And who might you be?” Zack said to Jordan. 

“I’m Jordan, Jordan Barton.” she smiled, waiting for him to realize who she was. 

“Jordan Barton?” Zayn said, speaking for the first time. 

“Yup.” she replied. 

“Wait wait, I knew a Jordan Barton but she… shit, it’s you!” Zack said. He pulled her into a tight hug, Zayn doing the same. “Oh my god, you look so different.” 

“Where did you move to?” Zayn asked. 

“Maine.” Jordan said. 

“Eeww.” Zayn and Zack said together. 

“So why did you come back?” 

“Well I moved back here with my dad since my mom is all crazy and is in rehab right now. I figured why not come and see my best friends.” 

“So your staying her permanently?” Nolan said. 

“Yup, I’m going to school with you guys and everything!” she said, and all the guys cheered. 

“Oh joy.” I said. 

Jordan turned to look at me. “We can be the best of friends.” she said. 

“Oh yeah.” 

“Well lets go watch the game.” Nolan said. We all walked together into the stadium and found seats towards the middle of the bleachers. I sat down with Zack on my left and Nolan on my right. Jordan sat down next to Nolan much to my dismay. 

All through the game she was placing her hands on Nolan’s leg or on his arm and whispering in his ear, making him laugh. Each time she did something I got more and more pissed off.

One of the teams called a time out and I decided to excuse myself to the bathroom. I walked down the bleachers and into the restroom. I checked my makeup and hair in the mirror, adding a little bit more lip gloss and mascara. When I was finished I walked over to the door and opened it, only to be met with Jordan standing there. 

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