Chapter 5: Not my Shiro

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There are three other people who are nice to Gamumei. That includes Kyo, Honey and Riyu. I've never met the girls myself, but I have seen Riyu. Actually now that I think if it Riyu and Gamumei started going out. Hopefully the shippers at thus school will be distracted by the actual couple.

"Kasumi Chan!" Shiro shouts as I enter the school. Was he waiting for me by the tree? "Hi Shiro Kun, how was your night?" I ask once I reach him. "Good, just spent it watching some movies," he replies. Wish I could have done that. Instead my night was spent trying on clothes. "Did you enjoy yourself?" he asks. "Umm, well, if trying on dresses and completely terrifying myself sound like fun then yeah," I reply, sarcastically.

"Hey, have you heard about the prom?" He asks. Could it be? After not being able to confess myself, is he actually asking me out? "Yeah, I know about it. And by the..." Do I respond in a tsundere way or just leave it? Ugh, my brain just wants me to say it. "And by the way, I'm not interested in going out with you!" Why did I say that? "Don't worry, I wasn't going to ask," he replies, "Yet." He whispers the second part so quietly that its almost impossible to hear.

Does he like me? Does this mean we could be together? I hope so. We walk to the courtyard and sit by the fountain. Riyu and Gamumei are close by and I need to tell her something. It's about the picture I sad, and may have possibly stole, last night. "H-hey, Gamumei!" I say, "I have something to tell you." She looks at me and takes us to a more private spot.

"Gamumei, you may not want this, but I have something for you," I say, reaching into my bag. "What is it?" She asks. I hold out the picture of her, Karina and her former boyfriend. "Karina kept it, I don't know why, but I thought you might appreciate it," I say. She takes it from my hand and says, "Thanks, I guess." She walks off and places it in her bag.

"What was that about?" I instantly spin round and slap Shiro in the face. "What the actual hell, don't you know that people can have private conversations?" I shout angrily. "Sorry," he says, rolling his eyes. What? That's not my Shiro. "Um, sorry for slapping you, it wasn't intentional," I say quietly. He just ignores me. IGNORES ME! The boy, who just admitted his love for me accidentally, ignores me.

Usually, I would go storming off but today, I grab my bag and walk off, trying to be casual, but actually I feel like something snapped inside, like my heart stopped. I sit by the tree and eagerly await the bell. But it seems like the bell doesn't want to go. So I grab my book and read. I hear familiar laughter and I look up. Lance. Ugh. "What now?" I groan, stuffing my face in my book.

"Looks like the tsundere is getting what she deserves," he laughs. "What?" I ask through gritted teeth. "Well..." the bell rings, "... Oh it's time to go, I'd love to stay and chat, but I don't." I hate Lance. I stand up and approach the gym. Ugh, PE. Not the worst but not the best. "Ohayō girls! Today we will be playing a game of rounders against the boys, now go get changed and be back in seven minutes," Sensei Yuri says.

Ignoring anyone who talks to me, I head to the changing rooms. I quickly get changed and I am back to Sensei in about five minutes. "You must be eager to beat the boys," she says, acknowledging the fact that I am the first ready. I shrug and she looks confused, "Where's that loud personality you usually have?"

Ignoring her, I sigh. "If there is something wrong tell someone," she continues. I give up. I'm just gonna tell her, "A friend just isn't acting usual." Everyone else starts to come over, including the boys. "Come to my office at break and we can talk," she says. I smile, which is rare in a PE lesson, and Sensei separates us into teams.

Two boy teams, and two girl teams. Personally, I don't care who I'm with, as long as I don't have to do much. My team is fielding, and fortunately I haven't been put on any of the posts.  But to be honest, I don't even look twice at my team, I'm worried about the boys team.

Skimming through, I point out famIliar faces: Takeshi, Tamaki, Daichi, Hikaru, Lance, ugh, and Shiro. Oh no. The boys start batting, one by one. And when it reaches Shiro my body turns to jelly. He hits the ball perfectly and I almost forget that I'm playing.

The ball lands next to me and I hesitate before grabbing it and stumping the post. I got Shiro out. Shoot. First I slap him, then shout at him, then leave him behind, and now I have got him out. I guess he has a reason for not liking me. He goes to sit with the people who are out. Lances turn. I would be happy to get him out.

He just hits the ball and it falls into Ruri's hand. Out. "Well done Ruri!" I shout. She giggles and throws the ball back to the bowler. Lance sits next to Shiro. What? Whispering to him, he points at me, I try to act like I don't notice but I'm gonna have a word with him later.

I don't pay much attention to the game but the boys end out winning. Oh well. We get changed and class is over. I grab my bag and head to Sensei Yuri's office. "Sit down and talk to me," she says as the door opens. "Well I went to give Gamumei something this morning and Shiro, he's the one who is acting st strange came up to me and seemed different," I explain.

"Do you know if anyone could have influenced him?" She asks.
"Well Lance went up to me and said I "got what I deserve" and in PE he was talking to Shiro and he pointed at me."
"Ok Kasumi, you go now, I'll have a word with Lance but go talk to Shiro."

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