Chapter 11: The Crash

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Beep beep. Lazily, I turn off my alarm and get out of bed. I was having a great dream too, I finally had the courage to ask Shiro to go the dance with me, and he said yes! But it was just a dream, if I tried that in real life I would probably just say, "I'm only doing it because I feel bad for you, baka!" I change into my uniform and head downstairs. I sit and watch black butler for a while whilst I eat my breakfast.

It's it's ten past seven, I better get going, I'm three minutes late. I run to the bus stop, eager to see Shiro, but I am stopped by police tape. "What happened?" I ask myself. I look around and suddenly, I scream. A car crash, a bad one. O-one of them was a bus. I sneak under the police tape and search for my friends. Honey has a bruise around her eye, Kyo awkwardly props her leg up. Ruri's nose is bleeding and Shiro, his arm looks broken. "SHIRO!" I shout, running over to him.
"Kasumi, ow, are you ok?" He asks.
"Idiot, I'm fine, if you weren't injured I'd slap you. Worry about yourself for once, I just got here. What happened?" I reply.

"Not really sure, I got on the bus and some expensive looking car drove into us, then, everyone either began to cry, run, or scream with pain," Shiro answers. I help him up off the ground, allowing him to lean on me, and I sit him on a bench.
"You know, I never thought I'd be babying you of all people," I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. We just awkwardly sit until I say, "I'm gonna help some others, I assume an ambulance will be here soon."

With the help of Honey, who is barely injured, I get Kyo and Miyu, a friend of her's who I barely know, onto the bench. I lend Ruri some of my tissues, though it seems like they won't help much because it seems broken, and say, "Sorry I didn't tell you, I got nervous." She smiles, "Well this can be your way of fixing your mistake. We help you, you help us, that's what friends do."

The ambulance arrives, finally, and I have to say goodbye to Kyo, Ruri, Miyu and... Shiro. I'm not allowed to come in the ambulance with them. I'm told I can visit tomorrow. Honey comes to my place, school is cancelled because of the crash. "Honey, it seems like the road is gonna be blocked up for a while, are you able to get home?" I ask as I open the door. Mum instantly runs to me and shouts, "I thought you were hurt, I'm so glad that you were slightly late!"

"Uh, I don't think I will, Mrs Albarn can I stay round for the night?" She asks my mum. "Of course, I'll make you two a snack, you must not be feeling too happy. A bit of cake will brighten the mood," Mum replies.
"Did you say cake? I LOVE CAKE!" Honey shouts.
"Well at least she's happy," I murmur, "Unfortunately, some of us are worried sick about our friends." I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight.

I'm absolutely terrified, my friends are in pain, and there's nothing I can do. As Honey stuffs her face with chocolate cake, I sit, shaking. "Sweetie, you haven't even touched your cake. You need to calm down, you know that they didn't die," Mum tries to reassure me.
"I know, b-but I'm terrified, I don't want to see them in hospital beds, completely unable to do anything," I stutter.

Honey stops eating and stares at me for a few seconds, "You have a phobia of Hospitals, don't you?"
"N-no, why would I be scared of some- yeah I do," I admit, "When I was little, I broke my arm and had to go to hospital, I was five! I haven't been back since, even if relative was there, but I have to go, I'll face my fears tomorrow, hopefully."

The sleepover helps take mind off things. And in the morning I get changed, put my hair in pigtails and wake Honey. "Are you ready to visit the others?" I ask. She nods and begins to get ready. Mum drives us there but when we get in, I can't move.

"We're here to see our friends, they were in a crash yesterday. It's Kyo Senpai- I mean Ootori, Miyu Kiko, Ruri Nakatsukasa and Shiro Midford," Honey says to the receptionist.
"Here's a list of the rooms they're in, and um, is your friend alright," she says pointing at me.
"Kinda, she has a phobia of hospitals," Honey grabs my arm and drags us to each room, one by one.

First Kyo, they are best friends, it makes sense. "Kyo Senpai, are you doing ok?" She asks.
"Yeah kinda. I have a broken leg, but they let me watch anime on the TV so I'm doing alright. I'll be back at school tomorrow, and I'll have crutches," Kyo replies.
"Have you heard any news about Shiro," I ask, still shaking.

"He fractured his arm, but he's got it lucky, it's barely broken," she replies.
Suddenly, almost all my fears leave me. "Well, you should relax, I hope you will be alright," I say as Honey pushes me out of the room. I still can't move, but I feel a lot better.

Next we go to Miyu's room, we update her on Kyo but leave fairly quickly because she needs rest. "Ruri!" Honey shouts once I'm in the room. "What happened to your nose, it's barely kawaii!" She continues.
I punch her in the arm and murmur, "You're upset that it's not cute, what's wrong with you?"

"My nose is slightly broken, I should be alright. How's everyone else?" Ruri asks.
"They're good we haven't seen Shiro Kun yet, but everyone else is just fine," I chirp.
Ruri stares at me just like Honey did, "Good to know that you got over your phobia!"
"What!? I didn't tell anyone about it since yesterday, wait, I know. You found out through my diary, didn't you?" She nods nervously and I chuckle, "It's fine, but yeah, I think I've calmed down a bit."

"Well go on, go see your crush. Oh and he has feelings for you. He's just scared that you'll say no," Ruri says. Ugh, I forgot that I told her about this at the sleepover.
"Th-th-then I'll do it! I-I'll confess my love to him. I'll do it at the cherry tree on Thursday. It's the day before the dance after all," I reply, nervously.

"Yeah! You can do this!" Honey shouts. We head to Shiro's room and I am acting perkier than usual. Maybe it's because I have a high chance of success when finally telling Shiro. But then again, I might mess up.

"Shiro," I look at him and run to him, "You made me worry, you don't even have a cast. Kyo needs crutches and you have basically nothing wrong with you. It's not good to make a lady worry, baka!"
"At least she's not worried about the hospital," Honey murmurs.

"Sorry, it was very rude of me. But I'm in good condition for the dance," he smiles.
"Are you trying to imply that you're going to ask me to the dance. You know I'd say no!" I shout.
"I wasn't saying that at all," suddenly he glances at Honey. He smiles but I don't know why.

Honey and I say goodbye and once we're a safe distance away I begin to ask questions, by ask I mean shout, "WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT, WHY WAS HE SO HAPPY, I SHOUTED AT HIM!!"
"He now knows that you like him!"


I'm Not A Tsundere!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang