Chapter 4

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     I hummed in thought, picking myself up and striding across the hall to the bathroom. There were no presences in the hallway or bathroom, so I walked in and began my quick hygiene routine, using whatever products I found already in the room. I used the most neutral of smells and scrubbed hard over my dirty skin. I had locked the door due to the fact my mask and clothing currently lay on the floor. I really did not want anyone seeing my scarred body nor faded eyes. I absentmindedly ran my hands over my skin, feeling the many slashes and dips in the surface. I lightly brushed over the many new bruises and sensitive areas, grimacing at the unwelcome pain. I must look like an abused freak right now.
     After the amazing shower, I slipped back into my old clothes and mask. I dried my hair with a few swift ruffles of a towel I found and strode back over to my shared room. I felt no new presences in the house, so I sat down on the bed.
     I felt several new articles of fabric on the bed and picked them up, feeling them out. They appeared to be several pairs of pants and another hoodie. I quickly changed into the clean clothes and stashed my old bloody ones under my new bed to wash later. I hope the new clothes were black or at least grey.
     With nothing left to do, the day seemed to catch up with me. I yawned and pulled the covers back. Being on the move for years has made me exceptionally good at sleeping in a moments notice. As I slipped into bed, I made sure my mask was still on and the door shut but unlocked. I took a deep breath and settled on sleeping on my side, facing the center of the room. My last clear thought was that I hoped Jeff knows I'm rooming with him.
     I was awoken a split second before the attack. A menacing aura broke through my dreams and forced me awake right before some humanoid jumped on my bed and pinned me down.
I yelped and struggled as a hand came crashing down on my chest to hold me in place while the other held something cold and sharp to my neck.
     "GO TO SLE-" A low male voice sounded close to my ear as the knife pressed further down, starting to slice my skin. I immediately gathered my strength and launched him off of me with a solid kick to his stomach. The male grunted and collided with the floor, skidding backwards with the force of my retaliation.
     Soundlessly and immediately, I arched my body from the bed and pinned the threat to the floorboards. I located his hand with the knife and held the wrist down, snarling in his face. I could have called in the darkness, but I didn't want to. If I could do fine without it, there was no reason to use such unpredictable force.
     The threatening male below me laughed loudly before twisting expertly through my grasp. He rolled us so that I was held to the floor, pinned by his weight. He was still chuckling as I found his knife hand and squeezed the thin tendons in the wrist till the blade fell out and clattered to the ground. He hissed at the pain and grabbed my arms, slamming them to the ground above my head. His knee found my stomach and I grunted from the force of the impact. I rolled us till we were both on our sides, then I brought my feet up to his chest and shoved as hard as I could, separating us. He leapt right back and tackled me to the floor, cursing and kicking. I shove him off again and braced for another clash.
     We tussled for a while longer until we were somehow at opposite sides of the room, breathing hard and holding out sides. I surely had a few more bruises, but I was certain the male had some too. I was trying to determine what the next step would be as we tried to catch our breath.
     Suddenly, his cackling laugh broke through the panting. "Name's Jeff!" He laughed again and took a few deep breaths. Oh, wow. This is Jeff. No wonder Slenderman was trying to reassure himself. "Haven't fought like that in ages!" He stumbled over to his bed by the window and plopped down, putting the knife in his hoodie pocket. His voice sounded like he was smiling.
     I remained standing and defensive, entirely unsure of how to respond. His mind was open and excited; there was no pity or rude thoughts. He seemed genuinely impressed with our brawl and completely unfazed that we were at each other's throats seconds ago.
     "Best fight in forever!" He exclaimed happily, "Not even BEN does that!" He seemed to be looking at me closer. Who's Ben? I thought.
     "And you didn't even scream once at my beautiful face!" I was confused by that remark, his face? Why would I scream at his face? What was on it?
     "But seriously, what are you doing here?" He asked, calming down slightly. The smile was still in his voice.
     "I am a new proxy..." I started and paused, unsure how to continue. "And I was told I'd be rooming with you." I finished hesitantly, trying to read his emotions. There was surprise, and then a sliver of... respect?
     "Well, I didn't think Slendy would put another soul with me after last time." Jeff mumbled, seeming to grin. "Oh well! Glad it's a fighter!" He exclaimed. "Still not as good as myself, but you held your own." He said, still smiling widely by the sound of his voice. Maybe he's always a happy guy?
     "Yeah... Um, so I can stay?" I asked quietly. He did attack me when he caught me in his room, so I figured it was a valid question.
     "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I can't really go against Slender's wishes so what's mine is yours!" He paused, thinking. "Just stay on your side of the room and don't touch my knives." He said darkly even though his presence was still light and excited.
     "Agreed." I muttered before sitting down on my bed, facing my roommate, Jeff.
     "So what's your name?" He asked casually as he organized some objects that had gotten knocked around from the scuffle.
     "Oh, sorry. I'm ___________. I'm not used to meeting people and stuff. So, umm. This is all kind of new to me." I said softly, hoping to get along with him.
     "Hey, no problem. Newbies are fun to play with. Especially ones who know how to play!" He chuckled again and seemed to lie down, shifted around. I paused, so fighting was equivalent to 'play'? Interesting.
     "I'm going to get some shut eye – so to speak. We'll talk more in the morning or whatever. I just did a lot of work – so don't wake me up." He muttered as he rolled over to find a comfortable position. He seemed to end the conversation as his form stilled and breathing slowed.
     I thought over him. I was abruptly awoken, threatened, and then basically accepted by this strange proxy. His presence was unsteady but generally happy. I found myself sort of liking this strange individual. It felt good to fight, even if I was freaked out at first. Maybe this place was what I was looking for. I sighed and flipped over, placing my back to the room. I snuggled into the covers and tried to fall back asleep. Most of the presences in the house were unconscious so they were likely asleep too – meaning it was still night or early morning. Only a few were awake or moving around. I caught a flash of Slenderman's presence before it flitted away again. I quietly sighed before giving myself over to sleep.

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