Chapter 27

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Recap (Jeff POV):
      "Yeah. _________ will be back. We are friends, aren't we?" Laughing Jack added, walking into the room slowly. "I already miss..." He stopped talking; looking to the side as if he didn't want to acknowledge what he was going to say.
      "If we don't see anything by tomorrow night, we will begin a search." A familiar soft voice sounded from the kitchen doorway. I looked over to see the orange hoodie of my friend.
Everyone seemed honestly concerned about the runaway, but supportive in a way I didn't think was possible.
      "________'s one of us now. That means something." Masky said with a hint of pride in his voice.
      "I didn't even get to apologize properly..." I whispered dismally, trying to tug the ends of my smile down. My eyes felt dryer than normal and they pricked with a strange pain.
      "Get some rest and we'll look tomorrow, Jeff." I nodded and turned to go to our... my room.

      The whole house shook with an unknown force, creaking as its beams shifted under a sudden wave of pressure.
      "What the hell?" Someone yelled as we all bolted for the front door. Hoping beyond hope, I wished it was ________ making the ruckus... even it was to hurt us, anything would be better than this cold absence.
      We dashed out onto the overgrown lawn, staring into the fading sunset that backlit the trees ringing our house. Except the glow wasn't all sunset, there were distinct points of light flickering up into the sky. The lights were sparks, and thick yellow smoke and the crescendo of hissing fire accompanied them.
      "No..." I muttered as we saw fresh tongues of flame leap above the treetops of the healing forest, searing the new growth. Not again...
      "The threat!" I heard Masky yell above the approaching hiss and crack of flames. Suddenly, a tall figure appeared between us and the flames. I recognized the being as Slenderman. His form was warping as power literally swirled around his body, accompanied by the swarm of black appendages that curled around his back. His rage was perceivable even from my position.
      I followed his line of vision, trying to discover the origin of his intense aggression. I quickly pulled out my knife, distractedly appreciating the sound of it as it slid from my pocket. My eyes searched the surrounding woods, blackening from the approaching orange light.
      Then, I saw the threat.
      Figures began to detach from the shadowed tree trunks. Their dark frames were backlit and eerily amorphous in the intensifying heat. There were so many figures...
      I heard a strange sound of something charging. I raised my knife to throw, but I didn't know which target to pick. A loud bang cut through the thickening air, echoing from the hills back at us. The sound was similar to a gun but somehow different...
      Pain erupted in my shoulder, forcing me to drop my knife and reach up. Hot liquid was gushing out from the wound...
      The wound...
      I was hurt? No way...
      I looked up with bleary eyes, how did I get on my knees?
      I watched as an aggressive Slenderman battled something... a dark aura surrounded his slim frame as black ropes whipped around. I watched numbly as something tore through Slender's suit, something small but damaging. His form stumbled back, flickering dangerously, and disappeared in a bright flash. The threatening dark figures advanced...
      We need help! This threat... what are they? How do we fight them?
      ________, we need you!
      "__(NAME)__!" I yelled on all frequencies, hoping beyond hope someone would hear...

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Jeff the Killer X blind readerWhere stories live. Discover now