Chapter 26

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      I knew I was overreacting, I knew I was being too sensitive... I knew I was being weak by running away.
      But I just wanted to get away. Far, far, away.
      I didn't want to feel the pity swirl in their minds, clogging up their thoughts with sympathy and a desire to help. They're killers for god's sake! They shouldn't possess such emotions. I didn't need their help! I don't need anyone's help!
      As I ran through the forest, unshed tears brimmed in my eyes. There was no vision to blur, but I felt the irritating griminess of them collecting on my lashes. I roughly rubbed them away with my palm, slowing down my hectic pace through the trees.
      I slackened my sprint into a quick walk, knowing I was far away from the congested house of killers. I had my clothes back on, but I still felt terribly exposed. I felt like I was in a little glass box. I still felt like an experiment, a thing to play with. I could still hear their laughter...
      No! Stop! They were just doing a stupid prank. They weren't experimenting or laughing at your pain... they are not like the people of my past. They didn't know what they were doing...
But now they know I'm blind.
      "Auuuhhhh!" I yelled and slammed my fist into a nearby tree, cursing as the pain of impact reverberated up my shoulder painfully. Why did they have to find out like that? I was hoping to tell Jeff... alone and in private. I was going to plan it all out... I was hoping nobody else would have to know.
      No such luck.
      They all know now. They all know I cannot read, cannot walk without tripping, cannot throw a single thing, and cannot see their faces. I'm 100% blind. Sightless, damaged, scarred... broken. I tried to shut out their thoughts, but I caught their first reaction clear enough.
      I'm a broken thing to them. Like a doll with a crack in it, I'm damaged goods.
      A sigh slipped past my lips, my mood cooling as depressing thoughts replaced the violent ones. My back slumped and my brisk walk slowed to a drudge.
      What am I doing? Why am I running away? Will Slenderman... kill me for leaving? I don't think so. I have a semi-legitimate reason for my quick departure. And I plan on going back... I really do.
      Just... not yet.
      I'll let them get their thoughts under control. I'll let them stifle that hideous pity feeling they exhibited. I'll give them some time. Then, I will return and hopefully everyone can forget that little episode. I'm not even mad at BEN anymore. I see why he was frustrated, just like Jeff. I know I keep my secrets close, I know I am dull, I know I am quiet... but now I'm perceived as broken. That's so much worse than boring.
      As I trudged through the wilderness towards a little town, I reached out with my perception till I brushed against the distant pulse of my home. I promise, I will return – I will return soon.

-- Jeff POV --

      "What the fuck, BEN?!" I swung my knife on someone I considered a friend. He vanished with a yelp, teleporting into the next room. His voice frantically called over.
      "You agreed! You could have said 'no' before we even started the prank!" BEN yelled from the other room, darting away as I entered the room. "But you agreed!" He threw my actions back in my face, making the feeling of regret amplify – if that was even possible at this point. I let out a vicious growl, preparing to swing my blade again but BEN grabbed my wrist as he suddenly teleported next to me.
      "We both know you're not mad at me..." He said seriously, teleported away as I overpowered his grasp on my arm and slashed through the air again. His voice echoed around me. "We both know you're just frustrated." BEN appeared before me again, noticing how I was calming down. "I understand... I know... it's not the same without ______." BEN mumbled, staring me down. His usually gleeful expression had turned sour and serious, his eyes dulling.
      "BEN... it's been a full day. Why isn't _____ back?" I asked, trying to keep the anger in my voice. However, it was fading along with the red in my vision. I wish it wouldn't go. There was nothing but a cold emptiness in its place... that was so much worse.
      "It's almost nighttime, surely _____ will be back to sleep, correct?" Came Eyeless Jack's voice behind us. I turned slowly, putting my knife away. I forgot there were others here for a bit... all I could think about was those grey eyes... those heartbroken eyes. "The kid will return. This home is not easy to replace." He continued somberly. I cringed as his blue mask reminded me of _______'s grey one... the one we decided to steal... the mask that hid the truth of blindness.
      "Yeah. _________ will be back. We are friends, aren't we?" Laughing Jack added, walking into the room slowly. "I already miss-" He stopped talking; looking to the side as if he didn't want to acknowledge what he was going to say.
      "If we don't see anything by tomorrow night, we will begin a search." A familiar soft voice sounded from the kitchen doorway. I looked over to see the orange hoodie of my friend.
Everyone seemed honestly concerned about the runaway, but supportive in a way I didn't think was possible.
      "________'s one of us now. That means something." Masky said with a hint of pride in his voice.
      "I didn't even get to apologize properly..." I whispered dismally, trying to tug the ends of my smile down. My eyes felt dryer than normal and they pricked with a strange pain.
      "Get some rest and we'll look tomorrow, Jeff." I nodded and turned to go to our... my room.

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Jeff the Killer X blind readerWhere stories live. Discover now