[28] Reunion

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  Niall Horan

  "And then she explained h-how the tickets were confirmed, a-and they're gonna come for my p-parents!" Avery cried, barely able to catch her breath. It was all of us but Louis in the back of the van, because he volunteered himself to watch Aimee.

  I rubbed her back, trying to comfort her, but I honestly didn't know what we were going to do. It seemed like they were always near us, and this time they didn't know we were here. We couldn't let them find out that we were here.

  "We're on the way to your parents' house, Avery. Okay?" Sam said, a line of worry creased into his forehead. He wouldn't admit it, but I could see the nervousness building up inside of him. "I'm going to call the police right when we get everyone safe. It's important that everyone works together, alright?"

  I nodded, but Avery was frozen. I could tell that she just wanted to make sure everyone was safe. I wrapped my arms around her waist and brought her onto my lap, holding her tightly. Her chin trembled and she began crying again.

  "I'm sorry." She apologized to Sam, obviously embarrassed.

  "How long 'till we're at their house?" Harry asked, clenching his fists. I knew that he was absolutely disgusted by Jake and Kate, and who knows what he'd do if he could get his hands on them. 

  "Fifteen minutes." Sam said. "We're going to just pick the parents up and go, no stopping. There's no need to worry- the flight is in three hours and they won't get here until at least nine tonight. That gives us five hours to distance ourselves from them. And I have backup ready."

  "Thank you." Liam smiled. "Don't worry, Avery, we're not going to let anyone get to you or your parents. Or any of us, for that matter. Or Aimee especially." He kept adding to the list. I could feel Ave starting to calm down beside me.

  "I need to tell her what's going on." She said. "She at least needs to know that this is a serious situation, at least." I nodded, agreeing with Avery. I just didn't want to scare my Aimee.

  "Okay." Sam agreed. "For your safety, how about we all just stay back here together? Or maybe if you want to go in your beds and just try to calm down." I could tell he was really trying his hardest to make us comfortable.

  "I think we should all try and rest." Darcy spoke up.

  "And Aimee needs a nap." Avery remembered. She sniffed loudly and blushed, embarrassed again. I chuckled and gave her a reassuring look as everyone disbanded from our meeting, going our separate ways.

  Walking through to the compartment hallway, I saw Louis handing off Aimee to Avery. Aimee didn't seem to be as energetic as before, and her eyes told me that she was extremely sleepy. I opened the curtain and we all got inside our bedroom compartment.

  "It's nap time, Aims." Avery said. This time, instead of whining, little tired Aimee gladly scooted up to the covers and crawled under. I closed the window and crept up beside the two of them, closing the curtain for privacy.

  "Listen, baby." Avery said to Aimee, who was frowning at the puffy red spots under her beautiful mum's eyes. "Right now we're going to need to be a really good girl, okay?"

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