[61] It's Time

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yes, i realize that aimee is very small in the gif with zayn, but i couldn't find a recent one so just go along with it bc that's what i've got 



  Avery Holmes



  I woke up with an incredibly stiff back. When I opened my eyes, I could see that it was probably still very early in the morning. It was one of those times where you wake up and can't remember anything for a few seconds, and then after a moment or two everything comes back to you.

  "Babe." Niall whispered in my ear. I turned to see him looking at me with wide eyes, pulling me into his chest. His hands were shaky and his eyes were glossed over, but he wasn't crying. 

  "Shh, it's gonna be okay." I told him. "Today is where it all ends."

  "For us or for them?" He asked. "I have so many doubts right now and I don't want to be here. I just want to get away from this." He nibbled on his fingernails, something he tended to do when he was nervous.

  "I know." I cooed, stroking his face with my hand. "I promise you that everything will be okay. Jake is stupid enough to believe that it'll be you in that car and he'll follow. Then we'll make our getaway and Sam will get the cops on Jake, Kate, and Natalie. It'll all work out." 

  "Yeah." Niall said, although I wasn't sure if he believed what I said. He pressed his lips to my forehead before sitting up in the sleeping bag.

  When I finally took a look around the dimly lit room, I could see that there were a few other people already awake. Harry was peering out the window with a banana in his shaking hand. You could literally feel all the nerves in the room, even though nobody said anything.

  For the next half an hour it was like this. Everyone was getting ready in the small room and waking up wordlessly. Aimee seemed to be the only one who was in the mood for talking, and that was just because she was oblivious to what was going on.

  "I want to go play!" Aimee said loudly. 

  "We can't right now, baby." I said. "Right now we have to get dressed and ready for the day. Do you wanna pick out an outfit?"

  "Okay." She nodded sleepily before hopping out of her sleeping bag and making her way over to her messy suitcase. The air was stiff and awkward and I felt the need to speak up and start conversation, but I knew that probably wouldn't be the best.

  Aimee came back moments later with her 5 Seconds of Summer dress/t-shirt and I didn't even protest the fact that it was far too big. I wasn't in the mood for arguing and I didn't think anyone here wanted to hear it, anyway.

  "Alright, everyone." Sam finally said, clearing his throat. "It's almost ten. We're going to start getting Zayn ready to go around eleven fifteen and then he and I will leave around eleven thirty, a half an hour before Niall was supposed to meet up with... them.

  "I need everyone to listen so I don't have to repeat myself. Ollie is in his room currently and has his car with him in the front, which you all have known. Once you see Jake's car following behind Zayn and I, you bolt for that car. The trunk is open to the rest of the car, so if you go in that way you can crawl to the seats.

  "I've come up with a systematic plan so that you all can get out of here quickly. Liam, you take the passenger seat and hide yourself down below it. Louis and Harry, you two do the same in the back with Aimee. Niall and Avery, you two can go in the far back trunk area and duck down. I want you to make sure that Jake's car is out of sight before you leave here. Pack a bag of what you need to take along, but only things that you truly need. We can always come back for things." 

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