[40] Brave

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Avery Holmes

It was the next day when it happened.

I guess since everything was going okay for once, I had put all my guards down. I was letting loose and having fun for once in a long time, and I wasn't worrying about the whole Kate and Jake situation. Big mistake.

"Hey, babe, here's a strawberry!" Darcy's cheery voice said as she handed a plump strawberry to my daughter. I was in the kitchen with her, slicing up some strawberries that Oliver had just got from the store. Aimee was running around, occasionally popping by and opening her mouth for a strawberry.

"So, I have some big news." Darcy said, a wide smile spread across her forehead. "Since you're basically my closet girl friend and your boyfriend is one of my soon-to-be-husband's best men, I wanted to ask if you'd be my Maid of Honor!" She clapped her hands, squealing.

"Really!?" I gaped. "You want me to be the Maid of Honor? That's... oh my gosh thank you!" I hugged her, setting down the strawberry I had in my hand. "I've never even been in a wedding before, this is insane!"

"Well, now you're going to basically be the most important part of the wedding party. And I was also wondering if Aimee would be a flower girl." Darcy crossed her fingers, looking down at Aimee, who's hands were covered in strawberry juice.

"Yes! I want flowers!" Aimee clapped. "And a dress! A pretty one!"

"Of course, hon." Darcy promised her. "A cute little sundress."

I smiled and headed out of the kitchen, wiping my hands on my jeans. The whole suite was rather quiet, mostly everyone was up at the pool. I headed into the bedroom, locked the door, and then headed into the bathroom, needing my morning shower.

I still couldn't believe that Darcy was going to make me her maid of honor. It seemed so crazy, but now that I thought of it she really was my closest girl friend. I guess over these past few days we've gotten closer from when I shared her guest room with them. Either way, I was thrilled.

Setting my hands on my hips, I frowned and searched the counter top for my hairbrush. I knew that I had set in on the counter a few seconds ago, so where the heck was it?

"Looking for this?" A voice said from behind me. I knew that deep, intimidating voice- it belonged to Marcus. I spun around, eyes wide with fear. He stood against the bathroom door, smirking at me, trapping me from getting out.

"Marcus, knock it off." I warned. "I thought we've already been through this?"

"Oh, trust me, we haven't." He laughed. "And I wouldn't be getting smart with me, I'm already pissed enough that you hurt me. I wouldn't try being bold if I were you. He might hurt you even more."

"He?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "What the heck are you talking about?"

Marcus smiled, propping up against the door lazily. I knew that I looked scared and it bugged me that he had the satisfaction of seeing me this afraid. Trying not to show my emotions, I stood up straighter and tried to rid myself of any emotion on my face.

"What do you want?" I spat. "Just tell me what you want!"

"Actually, I'm quite enjoying this. Do you need to sit down? Looks like your hand is shaking there." He chuckled, looking down at my arm. My face turned a bit red, but I really was afraid of him. He reminded me so much like Jake that it terrified me.

"Alright, enough of this I guess." Marcus said. "I'm sure you remember Jake, right? Your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend anymore." I growled.

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