Chapter 10

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On graduation day, my brother won numerous honors and awards. He also gave one of the commencement speeches for our high school. Standing at the podium, he talked about looking forward, staying true to your ideals, contributing something to society. I couldn't imagine what my brother would actually contribute to society. He'd take his fair share from society, that was for sure. But whatever. The speech sounded good. Everyone clapped.

My father had a big party in our backyard afterward. There were caterers and a tent. Since my brother's friends tended to be as boring as he was, it was a pretty dull affair. There was Russell's best friend, David Stiller, who was going to Stanford and was a cross-country runner. And his uptight friend Patricia, who was going to be a heart surgeon. And Hassad, who already wanted to be a banker.

As the party wound down, Claude stopped by. He came in the backyard, said hi to my parents, then we walked out to the driveway.

"What's going on with you and Grace?" he asked me. Obviously Hanna had told him to talk to me.

I shrugged. "Seems like she's not really into it anymore."

"Are you?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I mean, she's great and every- thing."

"Hanna said you guys were probably going to break up," said Claude.

"Yeah. I think so."

Claude squinted in the sun. "You had a good run."

"Yeah. It's probably time."

"You should do it soon," said Claude. "Get it over with. So you're free for the summer. And her, too."

I nodded. I knew he was right.

"What about you and Hanna?" I asked. "What are you guys doing for the summer?"

"We're gonna be apart for most of it. She's teaching theater at a summer camp in July. And then she's going to Norway with her parents."

"And you're playing tennis," I said.

"Yeah, I've got this new coach. We're doing all the tournaments. Seattle, Boise, California."

"California," I said, shaking my head. California had all the best tennis players.

"Yeah, that won't be fun," said Claude. "But this coach is all about the quality competition."

I nodded.

Claude looked down the street. "And Hanna's still giving me shit about Petra. If you can believe that."

"What's her problem?"

"She's always gotta have something going on. Something to battle over."


"It's ridiculous," said Claude, kicking a rock into the street. "But you know what? I like Petra. I'm not going to shut her out of my life."


"What are you doing this summer?" he asked me.

"My mom got me a job at the Garden Center. Watering the plants and stuff."

"That's cool."

"I'll make some money."

"Money's cool."

"Yeah," I said. "We'll see."

"All right," said Claude. "I gotta roll. Gotta go practice the backhand."

"Good luck in California." "Good luck watering the plants."

Despite Claude's encouragement, I still couldn't figure out how to break up with Grace. Two weeks into the summer we were still together. When Logan had his first pool party, he invited the two of us as a couple. As I drove my mom's car to Grace's house, I wondered if this would be the night we would finally end it.

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