Chapter 8

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I groaned rolling onto my side. I sighed looking over at Ziara. Her gorgeous body was hidden under the white duvet. Her dark curls spread out along the pillow. Her bright hazel eyes hidden behind her eyelids. Soft breathes emitting from those perfect lips of hers.

Now that she was with me I never wanted to let her go. She's literally the love of my life. I don't know what I would do if she rejected me. I know for a fact that I would die.

Alphas have a much stronger connection with their mates than normal wolves. The connection between normal wolves is still very strong but alphas have almost an addiction to their mates. The sort of addiction where you can barely breathe without them next to you. Like a drug you just can't quit.

However, I'm the king of all alphas. That bond is ten times stronger than alphas. I almost feel bad for putting all this mate shit on Ziara, almost.

My head's starts to hurt just thinking about Ziara not being next to me. I barely know her but I still like I can let my all walls down. As if I've known her for ages.

I sighed enjoying her company and wanting nothing more than to get into that bed with her. But I knew that she wouldn't feel comfortable. I guess I should just feel lucky that she even let me sleep in the same room as her.

I watched her slowly open her eyes. Her eyes meeting mine. She blinked her eyes again adjusting to the sunlight that shined into the room. "Good morning." I sat up stretching. "Morning." She sighed.

"What are you making me for breakfast?" She joked throwing the covers off her body. "I was about to ask you the same thing." I shot back chuckling as she playfully narrowed her eyes at me.

On que her stomach growled. "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked slipping my shirt on. "A banana, a bowl of raspberries, and a glass of almond milk." I chuckled. "Please and thank you." She grinned.

"Fine. If-" I paused. "If what?" She questioned. "If you give me a kiss." I chuckled sitting next to her. "But I have morning breath." I growled playfully. "Like I give a shit." She laughed. Pulling me by the shirt and giving me a quick peck on the lips. She giggled playfully. "That's all I get." I whined.


"This is it." I sighed staring at my aunt's house. It wasn't anything extravagant but it was home.

I took my time unbuckling my seat belt and climbing out of the car. Theo shut the car door for me kissing the crown of my head.

"Let's get you inside before it rains." I nodded glancing up at the Grey clouds. Theo placed his hand on the small of my back guiding me to the front door.

I reached into my pocket and dug out my key. I slowly unlocked the door and stepped inside.

As soon as I stepped in the door my aunt was already pulling me into a bear hug. I always loved her hugs, they were so warm.

My aunt stepped out of the hug. "I can't believe you're leaving me." Her eyes welling with tears. "Auntie don't cry! If you cry then I'll cry, and you know my mascara isn't cheap." I joked. She chuckled wiping away her tears. "I just don't know what I'm going to do without you annoying me all damn day." She shot back.

"We should probably start packing." I spoke. "Fine, but I want that door kept open young lady." She said shaking her finger at me. "Ugh, if we must." I joked. Theo chuckled at the both of us.

I grabbed his hand and led him to my room. I left the door open just like she asked. I huffed I didn't even know where to start. "Well maybe we should start with the closet?" Theo said plopping down on my bed. I glared at him. Damn him and his mind reading. I heard him chuckle as I opened the closet door.


"Why on Earth do you have so many Guns 'n Roses t-shirts? This is your fifth one." Theo questioned placing the shirt into a box. "They're my uncles old shirts. I like to sleep in them." I said taping up the last box. There wasn't a lot of boxes. I've always kept my belongings to a minimum.

"Is this all your stuff?" Theo asked looking around my now bare room. My bed and dresser being the only things left in the room. "Pretty much." I sighed placing the box on top of another one.

He gave me a peck on the forehead. "I should probably say goodbye." I stepped away from him. He nodded "I'll put the boxes into the car." I mumbled an okay.

I could already feel the tears welling up. I headed to the living room. I knew my aunt was in there based off the sound of her shouting at the TV.

She went quiet as soon as I stepped into the living room. "Winston!" Her voice cracking mid-sentence. Tears were already poring out of her blue eyes. "I'm going to miss you so much." She sobbed pulling me into a hug.

"If he ever does anything bad to you, you just let me know because you know I'll take care of him for you." I laughed tears streaming down my face. I nodded in agreement. Stepping out of her hold.

My uncle walked into the room. I ran into his arms sobbing. "I love you uncle Winston. I'm going to miss you so much." He just held me tighter. "I couldn't of asked for a better daughter." He spoke trying to swallow his tears, while I just sobbed harder.

I stepped away from my uncle. "I couldn't of asked for a better pair to raise me. I'm so grateful for everything you have given me." I sobbed.

"I love you both so much. Thank you for everything." I tried to calm down wiping away my tears and taking deep breaths. "We love you too." My aunt cried pulling me into one last hug before I had to leave.

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