Chapter 11

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"Love." I groaned digging my face into my pillow. I heard a chuckle. "I brought you breakfast." Theo whispered into my ear. I immediately shot up as soon as the word breakfast came out of his mouth. He chuckled handing me a big plate of fruit and pancakes with agave nectar dripping off the sides of the pancakes.

"Yummy." I squealed before digging in. "How are you feeling?" Theo sat down on the bed watching me chow down on the pancakes. "Fine." I spoke with a mouthful of pancakes. I slowed down my chewing as I remembered the night before. I blushed and looked away from him.

"You're thinking about it aren't you?" He said with a cocky smirk on his face. "Maybe." I mumbled as I continued with my breakfast. Theo chuckled.

"I have to get back to work." Theo pouted. I nodded. "Give me a kiss." I whined as he got off the bed. He chuckled as he leaned down and gave me a passionate kiss. He groaned as he backed away from me. "I got to go to work. I'm going to try to finish up early, so we can go do something tonight. Okay?" I nodded taking a bite of my now room temperature food.

"What to do, what to do." I spoke out loud as I walked around my room looking for something to keep me entertained. I really didn't feel like putting my pants on and socializing with others.

I just decided to watch Netflix. I sunk back into the white comforter and turned on the TV. I browsed through the movies.

A brick busted through the window next to the bed. I screamed backing away from the window. Theo busted down the door taking it off its hinges. He looked terrifying, I then realized why everyone was so terrified by him. I could tell his wolf was in control as his eyes were blood-red.

He analyzed the situation as he walked towards the window. He growled at the brick. He picked up the brick not even wincing as the glass cut him. I noticed a piece of paper was attached to the brick.

Theo let out an earth-shattering roar. He crumbled the brick with his bare hand as if it was a piece of paper. "If anyone ever even lays a finger on you, I will tear them apart limb from limb and watch them suffer." He promised darkly as he made his way up on the bed with me.

"I'm guessing the note wasn't good." I spoke grabbing his hand, loving the tingles I felt. He shook his head. "What happened? Are you okay Luna?" Oliver asked as he ran into the room. I nodded. "What did the note say?" I asked.

"Theo?" He had yet to answer my question. "Ziara-" He paused while I gestured for him to continue. "I'm not sure you can handle what the note said." I groaned. "Theodulus Isbrand you better tell me right now." I spoke sternly. He groaned.

"It said, Isn't she a beauty. I can't wait to get my hands on her. Congratulations on finding your mate by the way. Love, Hayden."

I was confused who's Hayden and why does he want to get his hands on me? "Hayden is my younger brother, he was always jealous of me. He wanted the throne so bad. He went so far as to kill our mother." Theo took in a deep breathe. I gasped grabbing his hand.

"My mother she was a strong woman. She could take on any man she wanted to. But she had a weakness, us. My dad, my brother, and me. We were her weakness. She let her guard down when she was with us." He sat down on the bed next to me.

"Hayden, he used that to his advantage. He made us all dinner one night and he apparently added a little something extra to my mother's dish. He poisoned her. She grew very ill, very weak. He then used the only thing that could kill a immortal, the Strum blade. He stabbed his own mother, right in the heart. I was the one who caught him. I saw him stab her."

I could feel Theo's pain through the bond, it was so heartbreaking, all I wanted to do make him feel better. But I knew that I couldn't help him.

"Hayden was thrown out of the kingdom, and forced to go rouge. The people are very protective of they're Queen." Oliver nodded.

"With my mother's passing, my father grew very depressed. No alpha can live without they're Luna, let alone the king of werewolves." Theo paused. "He died of a broken heart."

I stopped breathing. What if something happens to me? What happens to Theo? My heart ached just at the thought of Theo dying.

"Nothing will happen to you or me Tesoro." I nodded feeling tears well up in my eyes. He pulled me into his chest. "So you can see why Hayden would want you." He lowly growled. "I'm not going to let him touch you." Theo promised. I nodded snuggling further into his chest.

"I'll finish up work, you should stay with Ziara." Oliver spoke up. "I'll get someone to come clean up this mess." Theo nodded his head dismissively.

Theo looked back at me. "Let's go out." Theo said picking me up off the bed and carrying me over to the closet, not wanting me to accidentally cut myself on the glass. I nodded as he put me down. I began looking through my draw pulling out a pair of ripped jeans and grabbing one of Theo's shirts.

"Maybe we should go shopping." Theo suggested. "Shopping for what?" I asked. "Well more clothes, shoes, makeup." He said the last word teasingly knowing I'd be okay with going if he got me makeup.

I laughed as I stripped off my baggy t-shirt, not even bothered that Theo was standing right there. He's already seen all of me, so it didn't really matter. I heard a growl from behind me. I smirked knowing I was teasing him.

"Let me grab my shoes." I announced as I buttoned up my jeans. I threw on a pair of faux leather boots. "Okay let's go lover boy." I tapped his nose. He playfully tried to bite my finger. "Lead the way princess."


I childishly groaned sitting on the couch. Theo chuckled at me as he sat down next to me. I laid down, my head in his lap. I peered up at him.

"Did you have fun today dolcezza?" He ran his fingers through my chocolate curls. I nodded enjoying the feeling of Theo running his long fingers through my hair..

He took me on a big tour of the kingdom. He showed me around the square telling me a bit of the history behind some buildings. We also stopped at his favorite restaurant that apparently has been around for over two decades now.

It was a very interesting afternoon. I learned a bit more about werewolves as I was practically clueless. I only knew what Nives had told me, which wasn't a lot.

I began thinking about what Theo had told me earlier about his mom. "Theo?" I spoke. He hummed in response. "What's the Strum blade?" I questioned.

He sighed. "It's a enchanted blade. It can kill any supernatural being. When you are cut by the blade it doesn't heal quickly, it heals very slowly. But if the blade pierces the heart, you're dead." I nodded. "I was able to destroy the blade. So you don't have to worry about that tesoro." He cupped my cheek running his thumb along my soft skin.

"We should probably go to bed." Theo chuckled as his got up off the couch. He picked me up. I quickly clung onto him not wanting to fall.

"Wow they already fixed the window." You would of never had guessed that just a few hours ago a brick came through that window. I slipped off my vans placing them by the couch.

"I'm going to go take a shower, care to join me?" I blushed and shook my head. Theo groaned. "Ziara Ale, one of these days you will shower with me." He said playfully as he grabbed a pair of sweatpants out of the closet. I giggled as I made myself comfortable in the duvet.

I decided to call Nives as I haven't spoken to her in awhile, by awhile I mean two days. "Hello person who forgot about her best friend." She spoke. I chuckled at her childish behavior. "Have you lost your damn V card yet?" I was a bit taken back by her statement. But at the same time I wouldn't expect nothing less from her. "Finally! My god I thought you where going to die a virgin." Nives joked.

"So whatcha been doing? Besides getting laid of course." I debated on whether or not to tell her about the when brick incident. I decided to tell her. She gasped. "Ziara! That's it I'm coming over so I can protect you." I laughed. "I think you're forgetting that I have a strong, powerful, and scary mate." I heard her giggles. "That is very true. But I'm still coming over tomorrow. Make sure to let your boy toy know." Before I could say anything else she hung up.

"Boy toy?" Theo spoke ovbiously amused. "Yup. That's all you are to me. I'm sorry you had to find out this way." I flipped my hair.

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