Chapter 16

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I sighed in content as I watched Theo sleep. His lips parted slightly, soft snores emitting from them. His eyebrows were knitted together slightly. His eyelashes dusting against his cheekbones.

I slowly pried his arm off my waist. He stirred slightly once I finally got his arm off. I chuckled lightly as he grabbed my pillow and cuddled into it.

I head down to the kitchen to make some breakfast for everyone. To my surprise Axe was already sitting in the kitchen having himself a cup of coffee.

"Good morning." He said taking a sip. "Morning." I chirped. "Since when are you a morning person." He chuckled. "I'm not a morning person." I argued. "I'm just in a good mood and you're ruining it old man."

He chuckled sitting down his cup. "Theo came last night." I spoke as I got out the ingredients to make waffles. "I know, I can feel his presence." I nodded understanding.

"Do you want some waffles?" He nodded as I mixed up the batter. "Let me help princess. You shouldn't be doing such a task." He spoke taking the whisk out of my hand. "But I want to do it." I pouted.

He chuckled ruffling my already messy hair. "You're a queen, you should only be doing the eating." Axe shot me a small smile as he heated up the waffle iron.

I sighed in defeat as I sat at the island, watching him make waffles. "Smells delicious!" Konani shouted as he entered the kitchen. I shushed him, not wanting Theo to get woken up. "Since when does Axe cook." He whispered as he sat down next to me.

"Well I was going to make waffles, but he kind of took over." I sighed. "Why were you cooking?" He asked confused. "I wanted to make breakfast for everyone." He shook his head. "You shouldn't be cooking." He spoke sternly. "That's what I said." Axe exclaimed. I shook my head at them.

Over these past few weeks all three of us have gotten really close. My appreciation for the outdoors has grown significantly since I was placed here. I'm not allowed out of the house.

I never realized how much I'd miss the outdoors. I miss the sunshine dusting across my skin, warming me up, and lighting my way.

I didn't think I'd be forced indoors for so long. I've tried escaping several times but they always catch me at the door. I chuckled as I remember the way Axe scolded me, going on and on about how dangerous of a situation I was in. Every word that surpassed his lips was going in one ear and coming out the other.

Axe had become my honorary dad. He always made sure I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. Constantly scolding me as if I was a child. But at the same time he was very kind and gentle with me, only being stern when he needed to be. I've grown to not only appreciate everything he's done for me over the past weeks, but I've also learn to love him.

I smiled at Axe as he handed me a plate with a couple waffles that where topped with blueberries. I quickly thanked him wanting to dig into the food.

He chuckled as he started eating his own waffles. "So what did you and lover boy do last night?" Konani teased as he made kissing noised.

"I don't believe thats any of your business" A gruff voice spoke. I squealed abandoning my food to go give Theo a hug. However he had other plans as he pulled me into his large warm arms and kissed me passionately. I heard gagging in the background.

I peeled myself away from Theo as he pouted slightly. "Axe made waffles." I chuckled pulling him towards to counter, motioning him to sit down in the chair next to mine.

"Axe cooked?" Theo looked at the waffles I placed in front of him with suspicions. Axe threw his hands in there air with an annoyed sigh. "Ziarra began them so your safe." Konani chuckled slightly.

"Any new information?" Konani inquired. Theo nodded. "We have figured out his pattern as far as his whereabouts. Apparently he's teamed up with the rouges as his camps reeked of them."

I groaned wanting nothing more than to go home. "I know." Theo sighed pressing a kiss to my temple. "So what's the next step?"

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