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Sage sat in her room, it was the night of the Full Moon and Nate wasn't online playing League of Legends because he was too worried about his brother who he found out two hours ago was alive and in town being held by a pack of Alpha's. Sage typically liked to stay out of the supernatural drama, but tonight was proving difficult because of the fact that it was Nate's brother out there. She tried to reach Stiles over and over again but he wasn't picking up his phone, that's why she started calling Allison next who after the fifth time answered.

"What the hell took you so long?" Sage complained after Allison said hello.

"I went to the bank. I broke the Mountain Ash seal, Boyd and this other girl got out and are now running through the woods. Erica's dead. Stay inside."

"If you think I'm going outside to be some hero, you're mistaken. I'm a human, I'm not a huntress like you. I've only fought McCall and he doesn't even hit back. So I'm staying inside. I can't say the same about Nate, once he heard his brother was alive from Isaac he got offline and isn't answering his phone." she completely ignored that Allison had told her Erica was dead, not wanting to hear something she already knew.

"What about Davis?"

"He has a boy over. So I'm sure he's getting laid."

"Okay. Good. I'll tell Scott to look out for Nate."

"If McCall gets Nate killed I'm gonna kill him."

"I promise Nate won't die. I gotta go. I'll try and come by later?"

"Yeah if you can't. Call me?"

"Yeah. One more thing, did you know my mom tried to kill Scott and that was why she died?"

"No, Stiles didn't tell me that. I don't get told a lot of things that happen in the pack. I'm not exactly welcome. Bye, Allison." Sage hung up the phone and went back over to her computer, loading up a new game to try and distract herself from everything that was happening. She grabbed her phone off her desk when she heard it ringing, "go for, Sage."

"Go for, Sage, really?"

"Davis. My man. Are you done fucking whoever?"

"Yeah. I'm hungry and about to leave his house. I'll stop by and get us some burgers and we can have movie night."

"Yeah. Sounds great. See you soon." they hung up from each other and Sage kept playing until she heard the doorbell, "COME IN!" she yelled. The front door opened and Davis came bounding into the room, dropping two large bags of fast food on the bed and looking over her shoulder.

"Your teammates suck." he commented going over to her vast movie collection next to her and picking out a movie. He sat down on the bed and grabbed a burger, biting into it and turning on the tv. The match finished two minutes later, Sage's team losing. The girl cussed loudly before turning around and grabbing a large fry out of the bag. She watched the movie in silence while they ate, "did Nate tell you?"

"Yeah, and Allison called me earlier."

"Oooh, Allison. Are you confessing your love yet?"

"We aren't in love. Plus I do no strings attached. Also I'm her rebound from McCall."

"How does that make you feel?"

"Fine. I'm fine. Please just stop asking me questions and go back to the movie."

They sat in her bed for hours, watching movies. When Stiles finally came home he came into Sage's room and looked at her, "Stiles, what happened?"

"Heather's dead. I'm pretty sure someone is doing human sacrifices."

"What makes you say that?"

"Three deaths. All virgins. Also they were hit over the head, strangled, throat cut."

"Holy shit. That can't be the Alpha pack doing that. Why would they need to perform sacrifices. Someone normally does that for power. So there has to be someone else doing them."

"My thoughts exactly." Stiles said, "also there's Lydia."

"What about Lydia?" Davis asked looking over to the spastic boy.

"She found the second body. The third was taken and she's going to be found with the same wounds."

"I'm sorry about Heather." Sage said quietly, "I know how much you cared about her." the blonde put a hand on Stiles' arm and gripped it, "if you need anything I'm here. There is two burgers left in the bag." he looked towards the bag suddenly excited.

"I'm starving. What are you guys watching? Can I hang out?"

"We are watching The Dark Knight Rises and yes you can." Davis said, scooting over on the bed, Sage moved over as well and they all sat on the bed watching the movie. 

"I wish we had more days like this." Stiles admitted.

"When you aren't welcome in the pack lead by someone who hates you it's easy to have many days like this."

"No! He offered you a spot, you refused saying you're likely to hit him every time he talks."

"Well he's a moron. I'm saving him from many beatings and bruised egos. Plus Lydia is scary."

"Truth." Davis said, "also we are our own pack. Our human pack. An escape from the troubles of the McCall pack. Come to our pack when you need a break from the supernatural bullshit." Stiles smiled and turned his attention back to the movie, "plus if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I'm here. Or you know a friend to kiss, I got your back."

"You said something completely nice and then turned it incredibly sexual very quickly. How do you do that?" Stiles questioned.

"It's a gift."

trying to get back to writing this. So this is a filler chapter. So yeah!

Rebound: Allison Argent✓Where stories live. Discover now