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"Scott's dad is back in town." this caused Sage to pull away from Stiles in the hug and look at him. She hadn't seen Scott's dad in years and wondered if he was still a giant dick, "yes, he is still a dick. Made a comment about my dad."

"I'm gonna hit him." Sage said, "how can I help?"

"You actually want to help?"

"Stiles, this is Melissa and your dad. Your dad who took me in when no one else would. Your dad who was more understanding in my coming out then my own parents were in the beginning. Your dad who I love very much. If saving him includes getting into this supernatural shit, I'm there." 

"I could kiss you, I'm so happy." Sage took a step back.

"Please don't." she smiled before looking back at Davis, "I'll see you later." they went outside and got into Stiles' jeep, "where too?"

"Allison's. The name Argent was painted on the elevator doors by someone, my guess Jennifer and Chris is gonna be the next one taken." Sage nodded and texted Allison that she was on her way, so they could be prepared for them. The Argent's were walking inside just as Chris and Allison were getting into the elevator. They dashed inside and followed them inside the apartment.

"The word is guardian, Allison. More than anyone, you know that's a role I haven't exactly lived up to lately."

"But she took Scott's mother and Stiles' father. That's not a coincidence. "

"Yeah, I'd also consider the fact that someone put your name up in large block letters on the elevator doors. That kind of felt like a warning to me."

"I think it might be Morrell. She knows a lot more than she lets on, and she might even be trying to help us."

"Well, her actually helping us would work better; rather than cryptic clues." Sage said.

"The lunar eclispe is less than two freaking nights away."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"We don't know what is going to happen to the werewolves or Jennifer." the blonde nodded and looked at Allison.

"Stiles, don't give up hope." Chris said.

"They could already be dead." he said

"I don't think so. There's something about Jennifer's tactics. It's like she's still positioning, still moving pieces into place."

"And you're one of them." Allison told her father.

"Then let's not wait around to see the next move." he got out a map of the area and set it on his desk, "everything she's done has been on a telluric current, so Melissa and the Sheriff have to be somewhere on one of those currents, right?" Chris said before looking over at Stiles, "Stiles, if we're gonna find them, we need your help."

"You seriously want to go after her?" Stiles asked, "I mean what if she just takes you like the others, huh? No offense, but what's the difference between you and them?" he loaded a gun

"I'm carrhying a .45" he told them, "maybe she can heal from a shot to the leg and a few slashes to the face, but personally, I'd like to see how she holds up with half her skull blown off. We've got one priority right now, and that is to find Melissa and your dad. We've got a map and every clue we need to figure this out. The only thing we don't have is time, which is why I need the three of you." Stiles sighed and looked up at Chris.

"Where do we start?" 

"The place where the sacrifices have been committed have usually been different from where the bodies have been found. I think the placement has to do with the strength of the current, so there's the school, the animal clinic, the bank."

Rebound: Allison Argent✓Where stories live. Discover now