Chapter 1 - To Serve

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-Present Day-

Staring at myself in the cracked bathroom mirror, I took in my appearance just as I did every morning before tending to the pack house. I'm not particularly sure why I did such a thing every day. Nothing really changed. Every now and then I may have a new cut or bruise to cover, but besides that, my dark-brown hair, light olive skin, and brown eyes remained unchanged.

It's not like it mattered how I looked anyways. No one noticed me. A few of the Omegas I worked with would chat with me every now and then, but for the most part even they avoided me. After all, they were Omegas. Even though I worked with them, I was still ranked above them. They weren't supposed to speak to anyone ranked above them unless spoken to first.

I sighed as I exited the bathroom and made my way to towards the front door. For a moment, I contemplated rummaging through the cabinets for a bite to eat, but I didn't want to wake father. He was especially unruly in the mornings. Not only that, but I knew I wouldn't find anything. There was never food in our pack house apartment, and if there was, it was for father.

Accepting my empty stomach once again, I slid out the front door, very gently shutting it behind me. It was too early in the day for father to already have a reason for being angry at me when I got home.

My first stop every morning was the basement supply closet. The Omegas and myself met there every morning to receive our daily tasks. Most days were the same. We lived rather monotonous lives, but every now and then there'd be a slight change in our duties. Those were the exciting days.

I quickly made my way down the damp stairs into the basement where I found that I had arrived just on time. Alice, the woman who was in charge of us, was just beginning to hand out the assignment sheets.

"I heard we have something special on our lists today!" Laurel whispered excitedly to me as I silently joined the group. She was one of the few Omegas who wasn't afraid to talk to me.

I nodded to her, not wanting to draw attention to myself and waited for Alice to hand me my paper.

"Alright, Omegas," Alice started, but then paused. "And Audrey," she added. "Today is a very special day. It's Archibald Whittaker's birthday, and Alpha Dean has decided to celebrate his father with a formal ball for the pack tonight. You all will tend to your normal daily duties in a timely manner today, and then you will begin setting up for the ball. Tonight, you will be serving food and drinks. I expect each of you to look your very best. Black dresses will be provided for the females, and a white button-up and black pants will be provided for the males."

"This is the first ball or party that the Dark Root pack has seen in decades, so it's very important that everything goes smoothly. The pack is extremely excited for the event, and Alpha Dean expects perfection. Now get busy," Alice clapped her hands together several times in quick succession, indicating that we needed to hurry up and get moving.

The top of my list was familiar – help prepare breakfast for the pack and clean the library. Usually, several more tedious tasks would follow, but today in their place was only "set-up for the ball." It appeared that we then had an hour to get dressed and cleaned up before we had to arrive for serving.

Breakfast was prepared and served in record time, and the library was never too big a task, seeing as I was assigned to it every day. During the set-up time, Alice appeared again to give us our specific stations for the evening. I couldn't help but be excited, even though I wasn't able to enjoy the ball like a normal pack member. I'd likely be given odd looks all night, as people would know I wasn't an Omega, but wonder why I was doing an Omega job.

Luna Audreyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن