Chapter 17 - Hidden Scars

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Dean's entire body was tense and his eyes were gradually turning black as he stared down his father, prepared to challenge him if necessary.

"That would be highly inappropriate father, since I am the Alpha, and she is my mate. You don't exactly have the respect of our pack members these days, anyways," Dean growled out, his teeth grinding slightly from the tension of his clenched jaw.

"But don't you want to help your old father get in good with the pack once again? Little Audrey here is already loved by so many. If you two showed me gratitude, perhaps the pack would follow," Archibald bargained.

Dean grabbed my arm and quickly pulled me to his side, obviously not comfortable with the thought of me being anywhere near his father, much less alone for any amount of time. For that, I was incredibly thankful. Although Archibald had never personally wronged me, I knew of his history and wrong-doings just as the rest of our pack did. Father-in-law or not, I didn't feel comfortable around the man.

Archibald narrowed his eyes at Dean, causing my heart to skip a beat, "Very well, son. I'll remember this."

I turned to look at Dean, hoping to gain some comfort from his reaction. Had Archibald just threatened us?

Dean's facial expression was completely unchanged. I wasn't sure whether he didn't see his father as a threat, he didn't take that statement as a threat, or perhaps he was just doing what he did best – hiding his emotions.

"You will take your seat at our table, and you won't speak another word," Dean commanded his father before tightening his grip on my arm and leading me into the dining hall.

I looked up at Dean with wide eyes, once again, as we approached the Alpha's table in the dining hall. Pack members were still trickling in, and no one seemed to have witnessed the exchange between Archibald and ourselves. That, or they pretended not to notice.

"Don't worry about it, Audrey," Dean grumbled before I could ask any questions.

I sighed in defeat. I obviously wanted to question Dean about the situation and our interactions with his father, but he shot me down before I got the chance.

We took our seats at the front of the dining hall without a fuss. Dean pulled my chair out for me like a gentleman and waited for me to sit down before he took his seat as Alpha. Omegas began swarming our table, gently placing plates and silverware in front of us before scurrying off to grab the food. By now, the vast majority of the pack was present and seated, conversing amongst each other about whatever new gossip their day provided.

The Omegas served us, the Alpha's table, first. A variety of mouth-watering foods including roasted chicken and a blend of fresh vegetables were placed on Dean's plate and then mine. They then moved to serve Archibald and finished our table off with Beta Ryan and his mate, Mel.

Once our table was served and everyone was sure that we were satisfied, the Omegas began serving the rest of the pack by rank. The closer you sat to the Alpha's table, the higher your rank was. Dean took the first bite, slicing into his chicken before putting it into his mouth. I followed by stabbing a few vegetables with my fork and placing them into my mouth. Soon, the entire dining hall was served, and the Omegas retreated to the kitchens where they would portion out the leftovers amongst themselves.

Dean looked up from his food, content that everyone had been served and was pleased with their meal. He then stood from the table and tapped his butter knife to the rim of his glass.

The room immediately grew silent and everyone turned to face their Alpha at the front of the room. Everyone in Dark Root knew that disrespect towards their Alpha would never be tolerated, even if it was something as simple as whispering while he was waiting to speak.

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